Chapter 7

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When Mikasa returned home upon Armin and Jean battling it out together on the blonde's gaming system for whatever reason goes unknown for her, she had to catch herself from not slipping. She was use to coming to Armin's place alone that the idea of him actually arriving early and playing with Jean had taken her for a spin.

So much for coming back to crash and mope. Mikasa had to admit, the events of today sadly disappointed her, and the worst part wasn't even coming across that snobby rich girl.

Armin had been the first to notice Mikasa's presence, eyes lighting up when he dies from a fatal explosion impulsed by Jean's side. "Ah, welcome back, Mikasa. Where'd you go?" He asked kindly, face generating his benevolence.

A faint smile is forced to Mikasa's face when she is met with those warm blue orbs, and she trudges in and takes a seat beside Jean on the couch. Talking about Eren would only lower her mood more--even mentioning his name elicited acrimony within her. And knowing her friends, once she spoke Eren's name they would get her to ramble as much as she wanted into getting to her core. So, she replied with a dry, "just went out for some coffee," which she did, except minus the coffee part.

No reply follows seconds later, the two largely engrossed in the game. This attitude was expected from Jean, but Armin? The guy spent his life living in libraries, consuming any book that would benefit him or captivated his interest. He was the cute nerdy guy who studied even during breaks or was found reading while even during a social event. Him playing video games for a chance was like Annie agreeing to be nice for one day, and that was hard for her to do.

It could have been that since her answer was of no concern there was no reason to barge Mikasa with any other questions. Maybe they could be giving her space, but they seemed too into the game to even focus on breathing correctly, why should their concerns lure her?

Scoffing, Mikasa lays back and kicks her shoes off, then, leisurely, placed her head on Jean's shoulder, watching as the game continued. She hadn't known how long she was sitting there, but about seven games later when she forced her eyes to open Mikasa found herself laying down on a pillow, the warmth of a cotton sewed blanket enveloping her.

Laying up, Mikasa rubs the tiredness out of her eyes, blinking the blur away so she was faced with Jean and Armin talking at the door. Jean seemed to be leaving.

When she fell asleep was little to no concern for Mikasa, but how long she had been sleep seemed to be a more reasonable question to ask.

Mikasa hadn't made out what the two were talking about, but when Jean's eyes contacted hers, a gentle smile traced his lips. But he says nothing, and when Armin bids his farewells Jean is out the door.

When Armin turns on his heel, he is almost startled to find the raven haired female awake. "M-Mikasa you're up...there is some pizza Jean ordered, want any?" He asked while already making his way to the kitchen.

Instinctively, Mikasa graples at Armin's wrist, pulling him back gently before releasing her hold. "I-I'll make my plate later..." She mutters. For some reason her body suddenly overwhelmed, and her head was engulfed with a burning pain that throbbed with vengeance. She clenched her teeth tightly. "C-Can we talk for a second?"

Armin's eyes widen, but he doesn't protest. He takes a cautious seat beside the latter, eyes tracing over her warily. Mikasa could see from the corner of her eyes that he was clearly worried for her, but waiting to hear her out before coming to a conclusion had always been the way he plays.

Nothing is said for a good minute, tension amplifying towards the roof. Armin had been a bit unsettled since Mikasa's gaze was a stern, icy kind that could pierce a knife through you with one look, but deep down, he could also sense some despair from her.

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