Six hundred Sixty Six Layers down

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" head"I said holding my head with the current surroundings faded into view.

It's full of neck still burns..

"Hello?"I said as I gained my conscience(?) Back and moved forward.

"There" a bold and deep voice demanded as a door had appeared.

I walked over to it and opened it carefully,only to be greeted with a deep dark hole that seemingly never ended and a sign that read 'You Are Late'

Then I had felt a cold presense As I was pushed into the deep and dark nothingness of hell...well at least I thought.

"ARGH"Is all I could sputter as I hit a hard Rocky surface unexpectedly and then roughly grabbed and pulled up then a collar and chain was tightly fastened to my throat as well as my wrists and ankles.

And this would be the beginning of my 17 years of hell

17 Years Of HellWhere stories live. Discover now