fluffy moments bc it's well needed

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some of y'all come for that fluffy shit and i guess i can deliver that pizza to you.


one night, you were at his house for a little get together and he wanted to show you something privately. he took you to the balcony and brought out his telescope. "there's a little patch of clear sky right here. do you see the stars?" you were so absorbed that you answered with a sigh. he wrapped his arm around you and admired you as you simultaneously admired the stars.


he decided to take you to one of the comic con thingies that the it cast goes to. you bugged him about getting the window seat on the plane. he handed it over to you without hesitation. anything for you, right? when you two were comfortably settled in, he set up his nintendo switch and everything. he eventually drifted to sleep on your shoulder and you played with his curls. he smiled in his sleep as you did this. you couldn't help but take a picture.


during a stream with his brother nick, finn handed you the controller. "okay guys i'm handing her the controller. let's see how badly this goes." it indeed went badly. he was screaming at you playfully about all the things you could've done in the game. chill out dude it's literally just fortnite. he gave you a hug and didn't let you go for the rest of the stream after you failed miserably. "hey i still love you, alright? but you SUCK!"


i dont feel like finishing these so enjoy what i got. sorry for the wait

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