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"Hey scaredy cat, open your eyes now," Jungkook spoke to you as you clicked your tongue and bit back at him.

"I wasn't scared of anything! I was worried about dust or rock.. getting in my... eye," your voice that was biting and stern softened to a whispered as you looked below you. It was a vast jungle, green and luscious and filled with life.

The waterfall Jungkook knew so well, the lake of healing properties. The mysterious island with the throne and arch to match. The trees, weeping with greens, purples, and blues thriving and the echos of all the creatures and animals that lived here.

This was Jungkook's secret place, but he decided that he should learn to share some things- even if with just one person. Who better to share with than his Master.


You smiled as you took in the enchanting sight of the seemingly whole new world below you. Peeking over Jungkook's giant dragon head the best you could, you watched and looked in awe. You were absolutely taken by everything hidden inside this boring looking mountain.

"Jungkook," you started as you pointed at the rock island, "what is that?" Jungkook lowered his head slightly to see the island.

"It's an island surrounded by healing water."

"Healing water? As in Incantation Water? That's supposed to be the rarest form of water in the world and I thought the last Incarnation Lake was dried up years ago!" Incantation Water was water that had been enchanted with a heal spell and it is also a spell that never dies. It only disappears when the water does, so drying up lakes is the only way to dispel these lakes. Jungkook never knew they had a technical name.

"This entire place was forged by Old World Spellcasters I think. There are inscriptions and spells of some weird language everywhere. That island is the center of it all, though I don't go there often. It feels like I'm trespassing, though since you're a Witch, we can go if you'd like."

You nodded as you were very curious about it all. If that island was the center of it all, maybe you could answer some questions about this place. It was beautiful in both swirling curiosity and sights. You squawked as Jungkook lowered his head, jerking your forward. You heard him chuckle as his wings expanded more.

"Ready?" He asked with a twinge in his voice. One you didn't like the sound off. Squinting your eyes you leaned down to ask him what he meant. Before you could though, he swung his head up and you- in effect- were ripped off his head and thrown high into the cavern air.

Screaming shortly as you propelled up, your body turned and soon you were falling again. Falling with your back towards the ground, your hands reaching up to the ceiling of the cavern and hair whipping your face- the fact that you could easily stop yourself with a spell leaving your mind in your instant panic. Your breath was rushed out of you in one fell swoop when your descent was suddenly halted.

Someone bracing your back and under your knees, you heard them chuckle. Latching your arms around their neck, you looked at Jungkook with angry eyes and messy hair. He just bit back a harder laugh. He had changed back into his half-shifted form, his golden eyes, and scales on display with his wings significantly smaller, yet just as strong.

"You're a huge jackass and I hate you," you told him. He just rolled his eyes.

"Aw, come on. You know I wouldn't just let you fall like that." His tone was teasing as if he truly would if the fall wouldn't kill you.

"I don't believe that for a second."

"I could always just drop you. Surely we're not so high you'd die. I could drop you right into the lake!" He laughed.

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