Jon Snow (Modern AU) ~ Dare

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You were walking around school, as you held your books in your arms. You constantly got stares. You were Daenerys Stormborn's sister. You bumped into a broody body. You're books were knocked out of your hands. As you went down to pick them up the person you bumped into did as well. He grabbed the last book as you looked up. You saw Jon Snow. Your sisters ex boyfriend from 2-3 years ago. Your sister was over him as she dated a new man.

"Oh sorry princess." He smiled

He remembered you. You smiled in return

"Don't worry Jon."

You both got up as he handed you your book.

"Thanks. I must go. Sorry for bumping into you."

"Don't worry about it princess." He smirked

Jon brushes a piece of your hair behind your ear, as red comes out from your cheeks. You nodded as you turned around to walk away

"Hey. Let me take you on a date." He Laughed

You ignored it. You just continued. Jon Snow was a bad Boy. He hung around Robb, and Theon. They were trouble getting into fights. Mostly Robb and Theon. Theon's sister Yara was your friend. She loved hanging out with you. But you kinda noticed that the mean girl of school always kept an eye on you and Jon. Her name was Ygritte. You didn't mind as you stood your ground but you couldn't help get a bit emotional. Your just not as tough as Your sister is.

*few Days*

Jon has been trying to get your attention. I'm HES even told Robb that he liked you. But you kept ignoring him.

"Hey Looks like snow is smitten with love."

"Yeah with Ygritte." You giggled

As you held your books a hard force pushed them out of your hands. You soon fell afterwards, the whole hallway got quiet. You look to see Ygritte there.

"Watch it loser." She laughed

"Listen redheaded Bitch just leave." Said Yara

Ygritte just smirked. She was walking away to Jon but he pushed passed her and helped you with your books as did Yara, She said goodbye as Jon stood with you.

"Jon aren't you coming ?" Growled Ygritte

Jon places an arm around your waist.

"I'm staying.." Said Jon


Jon cupped your face and kissed you, howls and iOS we're going on in the hallway. Your first kiss was with your sisters ex boyfriend. You pulled away a bit shy.

"I'm sorry." You whispered

You removed yourself from the situation. But as you turn you see your sister.

"Dany!" You shouted.

"Come.." She Smiled

You went towards her.

*few weeks later*

You and Jon had been seeing each other outside of school. You've gotten feelings for him... he was so sweet to you. He takes you out on his black mustang, as you sit in the passenger seat. He was truly yours. You had told Yara, and your sister they both seem happy for you. You guys even began to be at school together. You didn't bother with the stares as Jon made you feel confident. He made you feel perfect. It was nice. You both matched each other perfectly. He was your badass as you were his princess. You were sure that he was the one. He said he loves you multiple times and that you were the one for him. He was happy, as were you. You had given him permission to take your virginity, and he did. He treated You with such kindness during it as he had done it before, but since you were new he went slow and softly. You enjoyed it as much as he did.

*3 days Later*

Soon You were with Yara, Daenerys, Jon, Robb, And Theon. You all hung out in the Lunch area as Ygritte walked up.

"What do you want?" Growled Yara

Everyone looked up.

"Y/N! I was looking for you. How long have you and Jon been seeing each other?" She asked

Jon tensed up a bit. He pulled you closer to him.

"Um for about a month and a half I guess.."

Ygritte smirked. She pulled out her phone and put up the volume. She had a video.

"This was about 2 months ago. Robb, Theon and Jon were at a party in my house playing truth or dare."

Jon immediately stood up.

"Ygritte stop that shit right now." He growled

You played the video with Daenerys and Yara on the other side. It was them playing truth or dare. They were slightly drunk.

"Okay! Jon Jon truth or dare ?" Asked Ygritte

"I chose ! DARE!" He Yelled Laughing

"I dare you to ask any girl in the school out and date them." Said Ygritte

"Ooo what girl!?" Asked Theon

"You chose Jon."

He took a while to think then he smirked

"I pick y/n Targaryen. I'd make her fall In love with me and just like that dump her." Laughed Jon

Once you heard that your heart broke.

"Are you sure?" Asked Theon

"Yes ! Positive. I'm going to break this girls heart." He laughed

With that the video ended. You placed the phone down onto the table. Shouting was being heard but you really couldn't hear anything. All you could hear was your breathing and heartbeat. You stood up. Then you heard his voice.

"Y/n ! I didn't- it isnt what it looked like! At first I was determined ! But now I'm in love with you. I really am" Said Jon

You were numb. He grabbed your arm as you turned to him. Tears running down your cheeks.

"I hate you." You whispered

You pulled your hand away as you were leaving. Yara and Daenerys went after you. Jon was upset. It was his fault. All his. As days past you never returned to school. He never got to see you, until one day he saw Yara. Jon quickly scrambled to Yara

"Hey! Yara ! Where's Y/n?"

Yara Looked at him. She just rolled her eyes.

"They moved Jon. Daenerys took Y/n to some other school. They aren't coming back." Said Yara

"What school?"

"I don't know. Y/n didn't tell me. Now leave me alone you fucking asshole." Said Yara

Yara left Jon in the hallway. Jon leaned himself to the lockers. He was crying. He wanted her and only her. He wanted you. That's all he needs. But he lost you all cause of this stupid Dare.

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