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[ y/n's view ]

april 29 2019

I woke up to the sound of the dog's barking outside, and a wide sunshine reflecting on my room's window. Giving me the energy to jump out of bed and stretch. I smiled at myself and confidently walk down my apartment's hall.
I cooked breakfast, ate, took a shower, changed into my pink sweater and leggings, and wore a pair of white tennis shoes.
After doing my daily routine, i went out of my apartment and got surprised by my annoying cousin, park jimin.
"Ready?" He asked smiling. I nodded in response. We walked to school since our apartment is just near it.
As we arrived there jimin ran leaving me alone. Yeah, do what you want mochi, just don't get in trouble.
I took my first step in front of the campus and suddenly someone ran fast and bumped into me. "Yah! Slow down would ya?!" I sweared in my korean language. "Sorry, i'm just really in a hurry." The guy who bumped at me replied in the same language.
Oh, he understands.
I entered the classroom, not talking to anyone. I sat down and read my recent favorite book. It was quite noisy at the room so i wore my earphones. I didn't wear the other so that i can hear what's going on and i won't get in trouble.
Minutes later, the first toll of the bell rang and that means first period.
But before we started it the teacher went in with a boy. He looks familiar. Did i saw somewhere? Wait, isn't he the guy i met from earlier?
"Hi, i'm johnny seo, nice to meet you."

[ meanwhile - author's view]

While others were taking their classes, one of the students, from class A3, was sneaking at the nearest classroom.
He was staring at how beautiful and perfect she was.

' I'll come and get you, princess '


who do you think the guy was?
anyways don't forget
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My One True Love { J.J.K. FF }Where stories live. Discover now