Fucking Fuck Hole

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Third Pov

For a few weeks, thing went on like this: Nash sneaking out to fuck Cameron. He always came up with some excuse, but Shawn was starting to get worried. Of course, he’d never suspect him cheating, Nash was too perfect to do such a thing in Shawn’s eyes. But if he’s not cheating, then what is he doing? Shawn just couldnt figure it out. And in those three weeks he spent his time worrying to Matt. Matt didn’t mind, because, ya know, hes Matt. Plus, since he lost Carter he didnt mind someone to be close with. Especially Shawn. He didnt like him like THAT, he just made an amazing friend. Cuz, ya know, hes Shawn.

And Shawn just couldnt confront Nash about how he felt because Nash hadnt pulled away from him. He was still just as lovable when they were alone, and friendly affectionate when they were around other people…….Maybe that was it…….Maybe he was just upset because Shawn didnt want to come out. After everything Nash has done for him, and he sill wants to hide their relationship.

So Shawn made a plan, all he had to do was talk it over with Nash.

Nash’s Pov

“Hey Nash?”

I was currently dirty texting Cameron while laying on my bed, Shawn laying on the floor. Yeah, I know thats stupid to do with Shawn so close, but I’m not gonna get caught. Shawns so oblivious sometimes.


He crawled on top of me, and I locked my phone sticking it under my pillow.

“I like you,” he whispers, kissing my lips.

I laugh, kissing him back.

“I like you too.”

“Good, because I have decided something.”

He sits back so hes sitting on my stomach, letting his hands drape on my sides.

“What have you decided?”

I wasn’t sure what he was gonna say, but I wasnt very worried. Maybe he decided to move back into his uncles house. SInce Taylor moved in he had practically moved into mine, and as much as I loved him being around me, it was really hard to sneak off to Cam.

“I have decided, if youre ready, to come out.”

“wait what?”

I sat up, shocked. That was the last thing, no, even lower than the last thing Id ever think Id hear out of his mouth.

“Im ready to tell everyone about our relationship.”

I wasnt sure what to say. I mean, I couldnt tell him no. I knew how hard it was for Shawn to make this decision. But what about Cam? How will he feel when he finds out the whole time Ive been with him, Ive actually been with Shawn? And what if he gets mad and tells Shawn?

No, Cam wouldnt do that.

“So, what do you think?” Shawn smiles at me with his perfect innocent smile.

“Um, are you sure youre ready?”

His smile drops, and I quickly start talking,”No, I mean, I just want to be sure youre not rushing into anything. I dont want you to do something because you feel like you have too.”

“No Im sure. I want to.”

“Okay, Shawn.”

He leans forward and kisses me, ”Tomorrow, at lunch?”

“SOunds perfect.”


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