Chapter Three

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Whoosh! All it took was Angela's hand through the screen, and we six heroes were sucked in to the computer.

I did invite Lisa to join us, but she chose to stay behind in order to keep tabs on what was happening in the real world. Also, Alfonso thought it was a ludicrous idea. Lisa had no superpowers.

We True Knights were in superhero form. A majority of our outfits were all gray with black gloves and lacked the usual capes. Vesta had this change made in order to distinct the real True Knights from anyone living in the virtual world who would be cosplaying as us.

Asami, Vesta, Estella, and I had the white hair. More importantly, Vesta had the glowing pink eyes while Estella had the scaly legs and fin-like feet. The usual.

Once again, we True Knights were ready to fight. If people were being kidnapped, chances were there had to be someone guarding the receiving end.

Falling from the virtual version of a blue sky, I could have sworn we were going to be hurt.

Luckily not. All feelings of pain had gone before I could even entered the virtual world. Even the feeling of falling into the forest underbrush where we were walking about now. Unlike the fight at Fort Sunder.

"In this eastern forest, only pain comes from attacks done by other people and wild animals," Angela explained as she led the way. "Come on girls! This may be an entry spot, but it is also a hot-spot for the abducted to be apprehended by Hades' men!"

So we traveled in a line through the thick brush until we reached a path which led to an opening. Lush grass on a series of small hills surrounded it and continued onto what appeared to be a large medieval city which surrounded a crystal castle. Looking at it made me think about Empress Pedonia and what she would do in this scenario.

Angela now smiled at me. "Well Imitai. Welcome to the virtual world."

"Thank you Cybex," I replied. "Inferno, this is now the beginning of your rescue mission."
"No," Vesta replied. "It's our rescue mission. Lei did a lot for us, and she truly deserves our help. Right Infra?"

Asami nodded. "That's right! And Innaquita, you got the drill!"

"You got that right! What about you C-Girl?" Estella's eyes narrowly looked at Callisto.

"Of all the names you come up with C-Girl?" Callisto irritably asked. "I sound like nothing but a mere sidekick!"

"You never came up with your own specialty powers," I replied. "I hate to burst your bubble, but with the way it is you are better off a sidekick."

The city gates were miles away, but there were people dressed in the same era clothes on the grass doing various activities. Some were practice fighting while others either talking or vending. Over all, everyone was dressed in battle gear as though there were a war going on.

Asami looked around. "Knights, this setting is all too familiar!"

People began to notice us as we passed, but they quickly returned to their own activities a second or two after. No one bothered to speak or say hello, which was an awkward relief for me. What exactly were they thinking?

"Yeah!" I replied. "This does remind me of- MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS!"

Vesta's face turned to confusion. "Pardon me. What is Medieval Kingdoms?"

"Only the most popular online computer game all over the world from Japan!" Asami answered. "I like to play it on occasions!"

Callisto's face grew to confusion. "Online game? We don't even have such entertainment in Ashan!"

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