2) Sumona's grudge

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Mr.Poo stood still...
transfixed on the spot...his mouth was hanging open, as though in some mild shock.

Well, it really must have been a shock: to see a girl from his dignified school ruthlessly attacking an unknown man right in front of the school building, not to mention, very publicly.

No student noticed him at first.

Maybe because he was just as tall as the driver- just 5 feet.
He wore square frameless spectacles. His nose was a bit asymmetric, this resulted in his glasses being strangely lopsided on his nose.

Though he was in his late thirties, he was completely bald, except for a few whisps of hair behind his ears.
He had fair and flawless skin.
It always seemed as if he has oiled his bald head...
it shined a lot.

This, all together created a funny aura about him.

He had very short arms and legs compared to his torso.
He had a quite round belly too.

Mr.Poo always behaved like a very loyal dog to the Lawrence and Terence families.
He respected their families even above wealth and riches, and that is saying something, because (according to AlSi), he could do anything for money.

Today, as usual, he was wearing a pink shirt (half-sleeved).
His favourite colour was easily pink. He wore pink clothes most often.

Today, he was wearing a cream pant, very long and baggy for him.
To cap it all, he was  marching in something that looked like black, highly(and unnecessarily)polished high-heeled ladies shoes.
All knew he loved feminine attire.

He stood transfixed for a whole minute, yet, nobody noticed his drama, they were all busy in eying Sumona who was now wrestling with the driver on the muddy footpath.

Sumona had banged the driver's head on the school's compound wall! Everybody cheered (except Mr.Poo).

Alexa and Siri were standing just in front of Mr.Poo.

Alexa muttered in Siri's ear, "C'mon Siri!, let's cheer for  sumona!" 
Siri said in a tone that suggested Alexa was losing her marbles, "is your mind in the right state?! Why the fuck should we cheer for that ugly buffalo?!"

Alexa replied with a wicked smile, "by cheering, I mean shouting- SUMO - WRESTLER SUMONA!"

Siri said, " alright then!"

Siri announced loudly," c'mon guys, chant with me- SUMO-WRESTLER  SUMONA! SUMO-WRESTLER SUMONA!! SUMO-WRESTLER SUMONA!!!"
everyone (except Mr.Poo) joined Siri.

It proved as an energy drink to Sumona.
But later, she caught the words correctly.
She understood that all were teasing her and not motivating.
She stopped fighting.

She apparently spotted Mr.Poo.
but the crowd was still unaware of Mr.Poo's presence.

He loudly cleared his throat.
The babble died almost instantly.
It looked very dramatic.

The driver moaned in pain.
All the heads turned on the driver, then on Mr.Poo, then again on the driver(who was lying, heavily brused, on the footpath).

Mr.Poo  made his own way through the crowd towards the driver who looked as if he was about to faint...

The driver mumbled a few words which were caught only by Mr.Poo, who was kneeling on his numb body.

The driver cried,"Never had I dreamt that I would be attacked by a 15 year old! Please! I think she broke my neck! Take me to the hospital!"

"Don't worry" said Mr.Poo," I'll heir an auto-rickshaw.
It will take you to the hospital.
I apologize for the, errrr, physical damage done to you by one of my students."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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