1) Fatty Sumona

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It was a sunny Wednesday with a charming & breezy weather.
It exactly was NOT a type of day to attend the boring lectures at IP school, according to Alexa and Siri.

These two neighbour-girls, just like any other 10th grade student at IP school, got up (against their will) at 6:00 in the morning.

They got ready for school in their cream blouse, a maroon-knee length checkered pinafore, white socks and highly polished black shoes.

It was their daily routine to get ready till 7:00am and wait for their driver to drop them at school.

They didn't like it.

School was just at walking distance! Still their parents, who were wealthy business people, wanted to impart royal feelings in them, and hence, insisted to be picked and dropped by a driver.

Due to this ACT-LIKE-ROYALTY pressure by their parents, they were usually taunted at school.

Things didn't change the slightest in their 10th grade.

All other students are no doubt jealous of them.

And why shouldn't they be?! With CEOs of a tech giant as fathers, these girls always had whatever they wished for, they had happy, peaceful and easy-going lives, only according to their friends and classmates.

But they preferred normal lives, for their lives couldn't satisfy the defination of NORMAL.

They lived alone in their very huge mansions(palaces).

Their parents only met them once or twice every month. They didn't complaint though. They were not close to their parents as their friends were with theirs.

Alexa and Siri, as usual, got ready, and stood together outside their house-gates, merrily gossiping about their friends' relationships.

Five minutes later, a shiny, black, brand new limousine turned up.

This surprised them. Till yesterday, it was a black Mercedes Benz which picked them up.

The long limousine was swiftly parked in front of them.
The driver got down in a black uniform and what seemed to be a black chef's hat.

He was not their old driver. Alexa and Siri recognized him as their dads' butler's butler.

He looked like he was in his late twenties and smelled strongly of cheap beer and alcohol.

He bowed to them. Siri said, " where is uncle Bora? Why are YOU picking us up?"

He replied with a nasty smile, flashing his black teeth," Mr Bora met with an accident yesterday." Both girls looked shocked.

He continued," I feel so sorry for him..."( He was looking anything but sorry).

Alexa exclaimed with shock, " why are you sorry? Is he gravely injured or something? Has he broken some limbs? Was he drunk while driving?!!"

He said calmly," don't worry madam, most fortunate that the accident occured close to Mr. Poo's house. Mr and Mrs Raizada were present there too. They helped him immediately to the civil hospital. He is alive."

Siri said, "what do you mean by HE IS ALIVE!?"

Driver said, "I forgot to add conscious and healthy ma'am".

AlSi( Alexa and Siri) muttered, " creep..." and got into the limousine.

The driver was a very annoying prick. He kept humming and whistling, not to mention, he had broken all the traffic rules into pieces.
Twice or thrice, AlSi caught him staring at them.

At last, their disastrous 2 minutes' ride was over.
The Dumbo driver parked the limousine right beside the school's huge kissing gate.
AlSi got down and joined their girl-group.

They all were chatting as usual in front of the school gate.
Their group consisted of a  girl named Mary Parkinson, a riff-raff girl named Gianna sugars ( nobody liked her much), a shy girl named Kathy Sherry, annoying and liar- Summona Gayman and off course, the tomboys-Alexa and Siri(AlSi).

Each of them back-bitched about the other. Each of them except AlSi.
They were loyal to each other, only to each other.
They all were gossiping about their teachers' affairs today.
AlSi were bored, so they were going inside the school campus, but, they were held back due to a scene created by their new nameless driver.

It seemed as if sumona and the driver were having a row.
It was not a good idea for the driver, for he was just 5 feet tall and extremely fragile, just bone and skin.
Sumona, on the other hand was roughly 5 feet and 6 inches tall, very fat and looked like a sumo wrestler.
There was no match between them. 
The idiot driver was teasing sumona.
Such a bad idea!

AlSi reached on time to catch the words, "hey FATTY! What's up? I would have taken you to dinner, but I dare say, no restaurant would provide meals to a baby elephant! Ha ha ha...!"

Sumona's as face turned beet-red.
She looked very annoyed, and was ready to pounce on the driver.

The driver continued," Look! Fatty's got angry! Hey fatty! Are you hungry?!" And that's not all, he started to chant, "ANGRY-HUNGRY FATTY! ANGRY-HUNGRY FATTY!! ANGRY-HUNGRY FATTY!!!".

Everybody present started laughing hard.
AlSi laughed the hardest.
The driver started attracting many students with his chanting.

Sumona was advancing on the driver, but the other girls held her tight.
Her face looked deadly and murderous.
The driver perhaps noticed this, so he stopped humiliating sumona.

Instead, he turned to Kathy and said, "hey cute chick! I am gonna be your future husband!".
More laughter.
Kathy felt very awkward and left the crowd.

Sumona freed herself from her friends' grip and held the driver's collar tightly.
SMACK! a shiny red hand-print tattoo appeared on his face.

After 2 more slaps, sumona started punching his stomach! The driver lost his balance and fall down.
Sumona pulled him to his feet and started breaking his shirt buttons! AlSi wondered with everyone, why on earth was she breaking his buttons?! There are other ways of revenge.
Nobody stopped her.
Some were too scared to do so (It was common knowledge that sumona was short-tempered) and others, like AlSi, were enjoying the havoc in front of the school.

All started clapping and chanting, " FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Right then, Mr.Amalgam Poo, their principal appeared.
This was just the start of the story.
Feel free to comment and point at mistakes...after all, I am writing something for the 1st time.

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