[20] Hyunjin

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"Woff!" The dog shakes his tail when seungmin rub his head. Cute , seungmin thought.

Seungmin just change the bandage at the dog legs with the new one. Now he is waiting for jeongin to bring the dog's food to him.

"Woff!" The dog bark again , trying to catch seungmin attention. Seungmin lower his body to look at the dog.

Seungmin raise his left eyebrow when he didn't understand the dog's action. The dog is trying to jump but fail when the bandage on its leg makes it's movements have limits. The dog just sit and stare at seungmin with a give up face , seungmin just chuckle at the dog's action.

"Woff!" Seems like the dog is understand that seungmin is laugh at him. The dog throw away its face and seungmin have to hold his laugh , he didn't want the dog mad at him and finally bite him.

"Okay , okay I won't laugh at you" seungmin said while rub the dog's head carefully.

"What happen?" Jeongin asked when he sees the dog is seems mad at seungmin.

"Haha I think the dog is mad at me , because I laugh at him" seungmin said which jeongin chuckle.

"How cute , hahaha" jeongin laugh.

"Woff! Woff!!" The dog barks at them but jeongin and seungmin just laugh. Then the dog walk away from them and go to the kitchen leaving seungmin and jeongin at the living room.

"Wow , did the dog understand that we are laugh at him? Unbelievable" jeongin said.

"Hahaha maybe" seungmin said , actually its weird when the dog is seems understand that they're laugh at it but seungmin just throw away that feels when the dog is cute when its angry.

"Now how are we going to console the dog?" Seungmin asked which jeongin stop laugh and start to think the best way to console the dog.

"Hmmmm...food" jeongin said while handing seungmin the dog's food that with him from the beginning.


Hyunjin Pov

Uugghh I hate when I can't shift into human form. All of this because of this bandage , my leg is hurt when I try to shape shift into human. That's why I'm still in the dog form now. I place my body on the carpet and just lay there while thinking how I can make them understand what I trying to say.


Huh , I even can't speak. Every time I try to speak something , all the words that come out from my mouth are turning into barks. Huaaa how am I going to tell them that I'm hyunjin. I didn't want to wait any longer , I'm sure Mr.Ji will search for me and I'm sure he will do anything to find me. That's why I must tell them as soon as possible.

I didn't want somethings bad happen to them. I know Mr.Ji will never let go something without done something. I'm sure he had many plan to ruin seungmin's life and its not only seungmin who is in danger , jeongin , chan hyung , woojin hyung , minho hyung and changbin hyung will be in danger too.

All of this making me stressed , what should I do!? I must help them but I must help Jisung and felix too. The reason why I'm here is to help seungmin and the others but why does my heart tell me to save Jisung and felix? They told me to help seungmin and the rest because they said that I'm the strongest among them but why I felt hesitate all of the sudden.


Mr.Ji put me , Jisung and felix in our old cage. We groan when our back touch the iron , its hurt.

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