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"So what have you been doing all this time?" Conner asked.
"Sit down and let me explain." Ellux said.


Ellux lay in the ground, weak and helpless. The animatronics has been beaten, and the children had already hurried away.
Ellux stood upon a battlefield. The ground was soft like clouds, but red like blood. Each step brought him closer to his goal— Morteh.
"Well, brother." She laughed, "It looks as though I've won."
"You'll never win, Morteh!" Ellux shouted, "Certainly not while I'm alive!"
"Well, maybe I can fix that last part." Morteh smiled, her teeth pointed like fangs. Ellux lunged forward to grab her. He held his hand up in fury. His hand blazed with power he drew from the sun. And like that, Morteh was vanquished. Ellux stood up in triumph as the world shifted, and he woke up.
He stood up, peering at the mangled animatronics at his feet. He nodded in approval and bolted up the stairs.
He rushed through each room, the doors did not stop him. He bolted through the halls.


"Brother?" Morteh questioned. He turned. His sister stood before him. Now he had a chance, a chance to rid the world of evil forever. He let out a might cry as he tried to grab her. She easily slipped out of his grasp.
"What's the matter?" She giggled, "Am I too fast?" She snapped her fingers, and Ellux's soul left his body.
"You'll never get away with this!" He cried as he disappeared. Morteh knelt next to Ellux's corpse.
"Such a shame." She said, "Because I already have." She smiled evilly as she herself disappeared.


Ellux stood surrounded by the many souls Morteh had taken. They cried in agony, not in sadness. Morteh appeared suddenly upon her throne. Ellux watched as she floated away to meet one of the many souls in the crowd. Ellux squinted to see who it was.
"One of the lasses!" Ellux thought. He waited for Morteh to disappear once again before rushing through the crowd to her.
"Leslie!" Ellux called. Her head turned to look. "Ellux?" She asked, "Ellux!" She rushed to greet him.
"I'm so so so sorry for stealing the Teardrop!" She exclaimed.
"Dangerous, reckless, but you did in fact, lead me to Morteh." Ellux said, accepting Leslie's apology and hug.
"Morteh said one of my friends was going to die, and I know it's all my fault!" Leslie cried.
"Don't try to cry." Ellux said, "You can't as a soul. You can only exclaim in torment and pain."
Leslie nodded, "I know." She looked around, "Look at all these poor people here."
"They are beyond hopeless." Ellux shook his head, "No doubt sold their soul to her willingly." He put a hand on Leslie's shoulder, "But you have a chance to live, as do I." He clapped his hands together.
"What are you doing?" Leslie asked.
"Trying to find my body." Ellux replied, clapping his hands together again.
"Huh?" Leslie raised her eyebrow.
"If one can find their body in the underworld, one may return to it in the physical world." He clapped his hands together.
"What does the camping part do?" Leslie asked, clapping her hands together too.
"Listen closely, child." Ellux responded. Leslie did as she was told. She clapped her hands, the sound reverberated forward.
"When the sound travels forward instead of stopping, go that way." He clapped his hands again. Leslie nodded, clapping her hands and running forward. Moments later, Leslie was gone. Ellux smiled, "She has found herself." Ellux dashed across the land until he too returned to his body.
He sat awake in the same place Morteh had taken his soul. He sat and waited as Leslie appeared.
"Ellux!" Leslie exclaimed, "I wanted to say goodbye, but then I was just back where I started!"
Ellux nodded, "Strange how that works, is it not?"
Leslie laughed, "Let's go!" She exclaimed, "We have a world to save!"
"Yes, child." He agreed, "I will present your weapon to you later."
"Weapon?" Leslie asked.
"Yes, the spear of light." Ellux stated, "I made it myself long, long ago." He explained, "I believe I can summon it to here."
"Wow!" Leslie exclaimed, "That's cool!"
She rushed forward, "But seriously, I wanna see my friends." She had a determined expression on her face, "I need to know they're alright."
Ellux nodded in agreement, "Yes, onward we must go."


Leslie stood before two doors, pondering which way she should go.
"That way, lass." Ellux said, pointing left. Leslie nodded.
"Before you go," Ellux started, "Make sure to go as quickly as possible. Face your fear head-on." He nodded then dashed through the door.
Leslie hurried into the door.
"It's all your fault!" She heard a voice cry. It was Ms. Harper.
"Whatever." Leslie said. She had heard that from the director hundreds of times.
"Yea," a voice agreed, "All your fault." Leslie paused. It was Miranda's voice. Leslie sobbed as she ran forward.
"I know it was my fault." She cried to herself, "But Miranda... It wasn't on purpose."
She cried, lunging for the door. On the other end, she was met by Ellux.
"Dry your tears, lass." He nodded, "Yes, you have made mistakes, but you'll help fix them." He looked her in the eye, "Chin-up, little lass." He said, "It wasn't all your fault."
"But it is!" Leslie sobbed, "There was Miranda and Ms. Harper, and I ran away." Her voice was unsteady.
"Do not fret." Ellux said, "We'll see them soon."
Before them was just one door.
"Follow me." Ellux directed, "The less time you observe, the less you have to be afraid of." Leslie nodded, determined to keep focused on what she wanted— her friends.


There was a rickety, old house.
"Great." Leslie said, rushing into the house. Ellux had already passed through the entirety of the area. Leslie hurried ahead into the house. She saw rooms filled with dead animals. She gasped. In the middle of the floor lay a human corpse, still warm. His eyes were still open, expression fixed in pure terror. Leslie shuddered as she rushed past the dead body. She wandered down the hallway until coming to a door.
"Huh?" She gasped as the door started turning white. She couldn't open the door; it was locked. She kept struggling with the fading door, even though she knew it wouldn't open. She let go of the knob and sat down. The world then turned white, like a blanket of purity was suddenly draped across the earth. She closed her eyes, and a dot appeared in front of her. She bolted through the door to find Ellux standing amongst weapons. Leslie took the spear that Conner was so desperately trying to wield. It looked as though it was made of pure sunshine, glowing with its own strange


"Woah," Cooper exclaimed, "That sounds so cool!"
"Trust me, it wasn't." Leslie shuddered.
"Leslie, I need to say something to you." Conner said awkwardly, "I'm really sorry about New York." He looked down, "I know you might not, but will you forgive me?"
Leslie nodded and smiled, "Well, duh, you're my friend!" She looked at him, "Besides, it's kind of my fault that you're all here anyway." Conner nodded, "So, Ellux, uhh, weapon please?"
"No, you are to go without weapon." Ellux said.
"I'm no street fighter though!" Conner exclaimed, "I probably couldn't even beat up my younger brother if I wanted!"
"True power comes from within." Ellux said.
"Well, There's the encouraging 'you can do it' speech." Tye laughed.
Conner sighed, "Let's do this crazy thing."

Ready? I mean, I'll probably make a few more chapters, but this will most likely be one of the last chapters before the epilogue.
-peace out ✌🏼

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