Chapter 4

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Do we look like couples? I thought. I blush at the thought that Una said we looked cute together. So where you guys staying at?, Una asked, waking me up from day dreaming. I dont know actually. Where are we gonna stay Andrew?, I asked Andrew hoping he really have a good plan. Youre not gonna believe me, but I got us booked at a quite fancy hotel, Andrew said as we arrived at the taxi area. We unload our baggage then Una elbowed me hotel huh?, she said and smirked. So what about you Una? Where are you gonna stay?, Andrew asked her as were getting inside the car. You guys dont need to worry about me. Im gonna stay at my boyfrineds house so yeah. You guys just do your thing. Plus Im here to go for a honeymoon with him, she said. Wait so you wont be joining us?, I asked her. Nah, if you guys need me though, just give me a call or you can call my friend Aeri. She was the stewardess earlier, she said.

We drove for 15 minutes after dropping Una off at her apartment. We then arrived at this fancy hotel. The floor was covered with a red carpet. The lights was bright and I can see all the workers waiting to greet us already. I exclaimed at the sight of the hotel. Wait till you see whats inside, Andrew said. We got off the car, and the workers was there helping us with our bags. We just walked glamorously to the counter. Made me felt like a princess. However Andrew didnt seem very excited as I am. He just smiled and went straight to the counter. I waited at the lobby admiring the interior designs of the hotel. lets go, Andrew said then we got into the elevator. I was more surprised when we arrived our hotel room. Andrew got us a Suite. My jaw dropped the moment I entered the room. The leather couch, the huge glass window. The ceilings were high and there was also a second floor in this room. Like it?, Andrew asked. I dont know what to say, then I realized. How did you get this suite. Where did you get the money?, I was scared. Did he rob a bank or something? Calm down, I didnt do anything illegal. I have a friend. He owns this hotel. He gave it to us, for free, he answered. For free? What did you do to have him give you, all this, for free?, I asked again. Well. He was in a rough spot. I helped him, and he changed and basically became successful, he answered. Wow.. Do I know him?, I asked curious of who this amazing guy is. Are you familiar with the group HDK?, he asked. Thats when I lost it. WHAT?! YOURE FRIENDS WITH THEM?!!, I asked desperate to know. Just that one guy, he said smiling. WHICH ONE? WAS IT THAT TALL GUY? WHAT WAS HIS NAME? MING! WAS IT MING?!, I asked again more excited this time. He laughed then said, No, J.Ree. We became friends when I travel here recently last year. I ran from parents to relax and coincidentally met him. I didnt know he was a singer or anything. But yeah. It happened, he said as if it was nothing huge.

The first night in the suite was wonderful. We both got our own room. I won a bet so I got the bigger one with the huge bathtub. I slept like a baby. I woke up by the sound of my alarm. I took a shower then got out. I passed by Andrews room and hes not in there. I didnt care much, I was hungry so I went to the kitchen. To my surprise, Andrew was there on the counter. Hey, Andrew greeted me happily. Hey?, Im still confused of his behaviour. I cooked, Andrew said. You can cook?, I asked, surprised. Andrew scoffs proudly. I went to the stove, he made pancakes, and eggs, and bacons. Im beyond surprised. I got a plateful of each foods then got on the counter too. I was about to get a bite of the pancake then realized Andrew was staring at me. Yeah?, I asked him. Ouh, dont mind me. Just go ahead, he said. I hum then ate the pancake. It was delicious! I finished the whole plate then washed it.

So, what you wanna do anything? Today?, he asked.

I dont know. Ive never ran away before and also never been here so, I dont really know what to do You?, I asked.

Get dress, he suddenly said then got up. Trust me, just get change, Ill wait for you in the lobby, he said then went out. My mind went blank. I didnt really have a choice anymore since he already left the room so I just went straight to change.


Just breathe, I told myself. I didnt thought that I would get nervous. But here I am, waiting for her. I planned everything out for today. All I gotta do is not mess up. Hey, Rose said from behind. I turned to see her. I stared at her in awe. She wore jeans and another sweater with her hair down. Nothing new, but it feels different. So whats your plan?, she asked. Right, lets go, I said then we got into a taxi. So, were just gonna have a tour around the city then tonight we can go to the mall. Sounds good?, I smiled at her. She nods then replied yeah. Its okay.

Ive been to a few malls before, but never one like this, she said while looking at every space of the mall. I gotta agree, the mall was huge. Filled with many branded stores too. We got ourselves frozen yogurt then just walk around in the clothing store admiring some clothes. So, the other night. In the plane, you asked me about my mom, she suddenly said. Yeah?, I answered while admiring a sports sweatshirt. Well, I told you my story May I know yours?, she asked. We stopped for a while, I look at her and thought she got a point. Well, where do I start? My family was fine at first. They werent that religious at first. We were happy, always with each other and I liked it that way before. But I dont know. My parents too got into an accident. They didnt tell me much but ever since then they became very religious. Ive asked when I was younger, and my mom just told me that their lives was almost taken the time they least expected so they wanted to change in case it happen again. So yeah, then my live was a disaster. But Im fine really, she just stared at me. She sigh, You know, its okay, to not be okay, she said reassuring me. I took a deep breath and smiled at her, Lets change the topic. She nods then we moved along.

We got back to the hotel. We both got into our rooms to keep the stuffs we bought. After taking a hot shower, I sat on the side on my bed. Thinking. After telling Rose a part of my story, I couldnt keep my mind off of it. I got my phone out, and saw that there was miss calls from my mom. There was a voice message too. I turned it on, Andrew honey, where are you?? Im worried sick. Youre dad is worried. Please come back or at least tell us youre okay I know you would Drew, my mom said through the phones voicemail. A tear dropped from my eye. A knock on the door shocked me, I sniffed then looked at Rose standing there smiling at me. You okay buddy?, she asked. Never better, I said. She sat beside me. You know, I thought you were this very strong, never cry, jerky type of guy. Turns out youre not. You wanna tell me whats wrong?, she asked. I stared at her with tears in my eyes. She was surprised then pull me into a hug. There there big boy. Youre such a big baby, you know that, Rose said jokingly. Am not, I said while sobbing. She laughed. We can go back you know?, she said. I looked at her, No, we cant. If I go back then you have to go back, I told her. I brought her out cause I knew her dad was a psycho. Its okay. Im used to that already. Youre not. My dad is getting better everyday, Rose said. How would you know that? Didnt he called you a lot of times already?, I looked at her. I cant fix what has been done Andrew. But you can, Rose said.

I just stared at her, not knowing what else to say. She might be right. Maybe you could rest on it first. Goodnight, Rose said, then got up. I grabbed her hand before she could leave the room. Rose, she turned back. Sleep with me, I said while releasing the grip of my hand. Andrew, she said confused. Please, I said. I dont think I can, she said then left the room. I stared as she left my room.

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