Powerful (Steve Rogers)

595 21 0

Warnings: Some violence
Word Count: 2004
Extra: This imagine was requested by the amazing  @sweetgolde. If you have any requests send them my way.

         "You know you should really be more careful when your fighting. This is possibly one of the worst injuries you've had in the past month. If you don't swatch out you'll hurt yourself really and one day." (Y/N) scolded as she wrapped a thick bandage around the center of Steve's body. Steve chuckled at (Y/N)'s worriedness over him.

       "I'll be fine. I'm trained and besides, I haven't died yet have I." Steve joked. However, (Y/N) didn't seem very pleased.

        "Do you have to die for me to prove my point?" She asked as she began to put away her medical kit. Steve sighed softly before taking (Y/N) hand in his.

       "I won't die. If I did who would take care of you?" Steve said teasingly. (Y/N) blushed slightly at the subtle flirtatiousness in his statements.

"What makes you think I need taking care of? Maybe I should tag along on the next mission. Don't forget Nats been training me." (Y/N) responded.

"I don't think so (Y/N). I'm positive you're doing great train g with Nat but it's different actually being out there. I couldn't bear to see you get hurt."

    The two had obvious feelings for the other, neither one wanting to admit it to each other. It had been this way since the moment (Y/N) stepped foot in the tower. There was a connection there that was so obvious to everyone but never discussed by anyone. On occasion, Steve would give (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek good night, but nothing too intense. Being with you was all Steve wanted and vice versa. However, neither of them had found the right time to confess to the other.

       Despite all the flirting and frequent conversations (Y/N) had a very big secret she was keeping from Steve. A secret known only by one other person in the tower. Natasha Romanov, (Y/N) most trusted and best friend. (Y/N) remembered the day Natasha found out this secret so clearly in her mind.


        "So why do you want me to train you how to shoot? I mean I'll do it but can I at least know why?" Natasha asked (Y/N) curiously as she set up the shooting range.

(Y/N) shrugged. "Oh, you know just wanted to learn how to defend myself in case of... You know....attackers." Nat raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Giving (Y/N) a small handgun, Nat quickly ran through the do's and don'ts a little to fast for (Y/N)'s liking.

"Now go ahead and shoot." Nat said. (Y/N) pulled the trigger causing a bullet to go shooting out of the gun. However, (Y/N) aim may have been a tad bit off because the bullet ricocheted off of a metal piece of the target and came shooting straight at Natasha. Acting on impulse (Y/N) threw her hand up in Natasha's direction causing the bullet to stop in mid-air, inches away from Nat's face. (Y/N) slowly lowered the bullet to the floor and placed her gun on the ground in front of her.

"Surprise?" (Y/N) said. Natasha's mouth fell open in amazement.

      "What was that?!" Natasha exclaimed. (Y/N) shuffled her feet uncomfortably. "That was amazing, but why haven't you told anyone about this?"

        "It never came up. Besides, I'm not that familiar with using my powers yet." (Y/N) responded.

      "Anything else you want to show me?" Natasha asked. (Y/N) walked I over to the knife stand signaling for Nat to follow her. (Y/N) grabbed one of the smallest blades on the stand and cut a long strip into her arm, causing her to wince a bit. A few drops of blood slid down her arm. Before Natasha could say anything (Y/N) grazed her fingertips over her arm causing the wounded skin to seal itself back to normal.

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