Insults and Side Gigs (Stephen Strange)

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Warnings: None
Word count: 1957
Extra: This imagine was requested by @Matchiko_Hanukara. It is supposed to be inspired by The Greatest Showman (which I've never actually fully watched). I also haven't written for Strange before so I hope it's good.

         You loved working for the Avengers. It didn't really feel like they were your bosses at all. They genuinely cared about you and became your very close friends. Your main job was to handle the paperwork and give the team briefings on future missions and crime going on around the tower.

       The Avengers sat in your small office in the tower, eagerly awaiting their next mission. The team was also accompanied by Stephan Strange. He had recently become more invested in helping the Avengers with their missions. You didn't really mind him. You actually thought he was quite handsome.

     You printed out a few copies of the details of the mission. "Everything you need should be here." You said. The team looked over their copies swiftly.

     Strange raised an eyebrow at you. "Are you trying to get us to play a guessing game or did you just forget the address?" You room the paper from his hands.

      "Oh, I'm so sorry guys! Must have forgotten to type it out." You said unapologetically.

     "Well, I would expect the assistant to the biggest defense system in the world would have her stuff situated." Strange said coldly. You were a bit offended by his comment, and so was the team. Tony went to say something but was cut off by Steve asking you for the address. You gave it to him and the team left for their mission. You could hear them scolding Strange as they walked away.


As time went on Strange's appearances at the Avengers tower became more prevalent. Despite his previous insults toward you, you grew to like his dry humor and sarcastic nature. You began to develop a small crush on him, which you tried your best to ignore for business sake.

        Strange was over for dinner at the tower. You had gotten up to go get something from the kitchen. You rummaged through a few drawers before finally finding what you needed. On your way back you collided roughly with Strange.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention. " You explained apologetically.

"Obviously you weren't." He said coldly. You looked down at your feet in embarrassment. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. Strange noticed your emotions and began to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). You just startled me..."He began, but you had turned around and head out of the door.


You didn't return to the tower until later that night when Strange had left.

You had escaped to your favorite place on Earth. The performance building downtown where you practiced and performed your secret side job. You were a trapeze artist. You had been since you were little and never gave it up. It was a sort of escape for you. It relaxed you. You went to calm yourself down after what had happened with Strange. It was heartbreaking for you because you liked him quite a bit, but you thought he hated you.

     When you walked through the door Steve came up to you. " Hey,(Y/N). Strange told us what happened. Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

       "Yeah. I'm fine. I just had to take a minute to collect myself." You replied. Tony snorted loudly.

     "I'll give him a piece of my mind, (Y/N)." Tony said. You shook your head, laughing a bit.

       "Where did you go anyway?" He asked curiously.

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