Chapter I

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"You left that one summer night
My life had fallen apart
You broke this now shattered heart
Part of this is my fault;
Like nothing ever happened
I choke back my tears
And tell myself it will be fine
As long as you'd smile
The winter days would have melted away
But you lived life your own way
And now your breath escaped your lips
Your body now limp
You left that one summer night
My life has fallen apart
You broke this now shattered heart
Part of this is my fault;
Like nothing ever happened
I choke back my tears
And tell myself it will be fine
I should have known that day
You were sinking in your own grave
I was too selfish to realize
How much you had to strive
You even said Good-bye
You left that one summer night
We broke up in a fight
We screamed with all our might
You left that one summer night
I've been crying all this time
From the last I saw your eyes
You left one summer night
Now you're no longer alive
Because you left that one summer night
That one summer night
I wished you never said Good-bye"

I plugged my earbuds in while the teacher wasn't looking. Just to listen to my music, drowning out the world's conversation. I turned my gaze away from the smart board and out the window watching the snow, as it glazed over barren trees. The snow this year was heavier than normal I thought. With inches upon inches falling down from the dark grey skies. Laying my head down on my desk. I decided to shut one's eyes, only to fall into my enchanting melodies. I was awaken from my precious slumber while the bell went off. From then I knew that class was over. I could hear the faint rustle of students pulling out of their chairs and exiting the classroom. As I stretched in my chair I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets as listened to the words of Simon & Garfunkel's song "The Boxer". Whilst the other students went to lunch, I went outside. The cold winter breeze grazing the back of my neck. I grabbed my IPod and turned my music up. Walking around the salted sidewalks of the campus. I turned the corner to see a boy about my age lying on the ground unconscious. As a thin layer of snow covered his body. He looked as if he had been there for awhile. His face swollen and red from the cold, from blood that was frozen from his nose and lips. I started to panic scanning around to see if anyone was around, but not a person was in sight. I took a deep breath to help bring myself to a focus. Kneeling down to the ground to feel for a pulse on his wrist. Luckily his heart was still beating. I decided to sit the boy up, to dust away the snow on his clothes, but as my hand started wiping away the remains on his face, I felt the heat resonating from his forehead. He was burning up!
"Shit, you're running a Fever!" I muttered to myself slinging his arm over my shoulder, only to realize how much taller he was than me. Knowing that taking this man, who was almost more than half the size of me to the infirmary was going to be tough. I did the best that I could, by dragging him across the cement to the front of my universities front office. Pressing the buzzer to get in repeatedly as I held this boy up as they finally answered I yelled.
"We need the nurse, a wheelchair, anything! Quick! I found him outside unconscious like this, he's burning up!" One of the secretaries pulled out a wheelchair. I sat him down, his body slumping over.
"Does he have an ID? Where is Yours?" She asked. But before I could answer the nurse came rushing through pulling out a notebook and pen.
"Ah. Um yes, My name is Jayden Remington. I'm sophomore here at this university" pulling out my ID from my jeans pocket, handing it to her.
"I don't know this man. All I know is that he is in pretty bad shape, and that I found him like this on the sidewalk campus covered in snow" The Nurse nodded as she jotted down her notes. With a click of her pen she closed her little booklet, her hands grabbing the handles of the wheelchair.
"You should go back to class now Mr. Remington. Your lunch period is over, we shall take care of him from here" Pulling the man away to her office. I sighed out of relief once he was taken into safe hands. I plugged my earbuds back in at this point. Only to realize that my IPod's battery had died during this time. I didn't even get a good chance to listen to my music properly.
"Well that's just great" I said to myself, pissed for not charging it before I went to bed last night. I shoved my hands back into my pockets as I walked to my next class. Entering the classroom late I felt everyone's eyes upon me as I quickly made my way to my seat. I laid my head back down wanting to go back to sleep. But my head was more focused on how that boy was, more importantly what had happened to him to get him beat up so badly. Before I knew it class was already over. Pushing my seat in I headed out the door and down to the Nurse's office to check up on that boy. As I entered the Nurse pointed to where the boy was. his body was patched up, seeing bruise after bruise on his body.
"Has his fever gone down?" I asked while taking a seat next to the bed.
"Yes his fever went down. I'm glad you found him if he was out there any longer he could have gotten hypothermia." She paused for a few moments and looked at me.
"From his wounds I would say he didn't fight back. Unfortunately the school doesn't have any surveillance cameras, so we cannot look and see who did this to him." she looked down in disappointment and like a spark she remembered something.
"Oh! We found out his name. It's Warren, Warren Lander, he's a freshmen here." as she said his name the boy had woken up rubbing his eyes groaning in pain.
"Shit, what time is it? How long was I out for?" the Nurse stood up rushing to his aid to check his vitals once more.
"Watch your language Mr. Lander! Now It is 2:47 in the afternoon. As far as we know you've been knocked out since early this morning. Do you have any recollection of what might have happened this morning?" Warren shook his head placing his hands behind his neck sighing.
"This is Jayden Remington, He was the one who found you unconscious on campus. If it weren't for him you could have been in more serious condition" The Nurse stated brushing her auburn locks out of her face. Warren laughed
"A scrawny kid like him carried me all the way here? You've got to be kidding me" The Nurse flicked his head, even though he was right about my appearance.
"Hey! He saved your life so don't be arrogant! You should be thankful". I started getting nervous twiddling with my thumbs, feeling the anxiety rise up in my chest.
"Ah-ah right, It's really okay, I'm just glad your okay" I smiled.
"So are you going to drive me home? My car is in the shop. You drive don't you?" I looked at him shocked
"Um yeah I can drive." I looked at the Nurse slightly baffled.
"Is he even in good enough condition to even leave?" she nodded.
"Well he cannot stay the night here obviously, and I cannot tell if he has a concussion or not... Do you live alone?" She looked at Warren and I.
"No, I still live with my parents, I can't afford to live by myself yet." I said feeling a bit embarrassed that I did still live with them.
"Yeah, I live by myself. My apartment is only about 2 miles from here" He said. At that moment the Nurse had a lightbulb over her head.
"Well do you mind watching over him tonight? He needs to be watched over just in case if he does have a concussion" she said, hoping I would say yes.
"Well I guess, I'd have to call my first parents before I do anything" I said scratching my head.
"That's wonderful!" The Nurse exclaimed quite happily.
"Can I use your phone? Mines dead" I asked, and with a nod she pointed over to her desk. Picking up the phone I dialed my Mother's number as the phone rang.
"Hey mom, It's me Jayden. Do you mind if I spend the night at my friends house tonight?. Ah...Alright...Yes...Yes. Okay.. Alright love you mom" I hung up the phone and walked back to hear Warren laughing again
"Are you a mama's boy?" he asked snickering through his sentences but suddenly paused.
"I mean, that's not a bad thing. It's quite cute actually, that you care for your Mother a lot" Warren said with a soft smile. He was right about me once again. I did care for my Mother strongly.
"Well anyways you two should get going, my shift was over about thirty minutes ago" she said getting up from her chair to pack up her stuff. Warren sat up from his cot attempting to stand up
"hey be careful! you're going to fall if you get up too fast" The nurse yelled. But it was already too late, he had already fallen onto the tile floor.
"Shit!, Help me up why don't you?" he yelled at me. Again his arm was slung around my shoulder as I proceeded to helped him out the door and into my car.
"So where do you live?" I asked starting up my car.
"Just two miles south of here, I'll tell you when we get there alright?" he said looking out the window waiting for the world pass by.
"Okay" I said pulling out of the school, heading down south to his apartment.

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