So I lied to my mom and dad. I jumped the fence and I ran.

3 0 0

   When Shiro and Keith got home. Their mom asked them, "Did you have fun?" "Yes." They bother reply. "Good." Krolia said. "So where did y'all go after McDonalds?" Their dad asked. "We went to watch End Game." Shiro said. Keith sniffled. (End Game spoilers)  "REST IN PEACE TONY STARK!" Keith yells. "God damn. Calm down Keith it's just a movie!" Shiro says, smiling at his brother. "No it's not! And I am Calm! The ending of that movie has destroyed my life!! I can't go on living knowing Iron Man died!" Keith rambles!  "I mean at least spider-man lives. Tom Holland is hot as fuck." Keith says. "And Captain America and Thor! Oh my god! And Hulk? Ant man and Wasp! Black Panther!, oh my god!! I cant get over this movie man." (Okay their over) Keith rambles. "Keith are you gay?" His family asks him. Of-fucking-course I am, damn idiots. Keith thought. "No. I would tell you guys if I was gay. Trust me." Keith lied to his mom and dad. "Okay. Well, it 11:30. It's bed time." "I'm 21!" Keith says. "Yes but you still live in my house." Krolia says, motherly. "Fine. Keith says. 


  L: Hey it's Lance. From McDonalds.

K: hi lance. 

L: wanna meet me somewhere, pretty boy?

K: Did you just call me pretty? Lol

L: maybe. But do you? 

K: sure. Like when and where?

L: idk. You pick, dude

K: i'll meet you at the end of our street. Do you have a car?

L: yeah I have a black truck. At the end of our street???

K: we live on the same street dude

L: oh cool..??? Lol😂 okay bud be there in 10

K: cool. Wait at the back of the backyard fence.

L: got it man


   Keith put his red converse back on and his black leather jacket. Put his hair back in a lose ponytail, and waited a minute. Just thinking about Lance and his ocean blue eyes, and his light brown hair, and his dumb smile..... NO GAY THOUGHTS! GET AWAY!                                                             L: I'm here. Waiting at the back. Flash your bed room light 2 times if this is the right house.

Keith did that and lance said he was waiting. Keith opened his window. He walked back and opened the door. "Goodnight mom, dad, and Shiro." He yelled. He knew no one would come into his room till 9:45am. The closed the door and turned off the light. He grabbed his phone and headed towards the window. Keith has gone out his window many times, so this is easy. After putting his phone in his pocket, he stepped out the window and slowly walked down the roof, since his room is on the 2nd floor. Once close enough, he sat down and slid to the tree that he climbs down. After successfully making his was down the tree, he jumped the fence. "Let's go I think my mom heard me." Keith says. So they ran, to Lance's truck in Lances driveway.

Word count: 500

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