But we didn't get very far, cause you locked the keys in your car.

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   When Lance and Keith ran into the driveway Keith asked, "Are- are your parents not home?" "No, they-they're going up to Havana to see mi Abulita ." Lance answered. "My siblings don't care if I'm up late or out late at night. So were safe." Lance assured. Keith smiled. "That's cute." Lance said. Keith blushed. "W-What?!" "Nothing, c'mon lets go." Lance walked to the driver side door. "Shit." He said quietly. He pulled on the door handle again. "Did you lock your Keyes in your car?!" Keith asked, laughing slightly. "Yep, I guess I did." Lance replies, looking in the window for the keys. "They're on the dash." Lance confirmed. "Come here," Lance said grabbing Keith hand. "Well, we'll just sit in the back." Lance smiled. "Sure." Keith says. 

   Lance pulled the back door thing....(sorry) down and climbed up. He held out his hand for Keith to help him up. Which He did just that. The sat across from each other. "Okay," Lance says. "Let's get to know each other better." "Okay." Keith says. "What's your favorite color?" "Red Keith says. "Mines blue." "Favorite song?" Lance says. "Three days grace I hate everything about you." Keith says, "That's emo Keith." Lance says. "Is not!" Keith says and playfully punched Lances arm. "Okay, Okay. Well mines lovely by Billie Ellish." Lance says, "What about candy? What's your favorite candy?" He asks. "Hm. My favorite candy is... it would have to be gummy bares or sour gummy worms." Keith says, it looks like that took a lot of thinking to answer that question. "I like peach rings and Hershey kisses." Lance says.  "Cool. Your really fun. I like it." Keith says. Good thing it's dark outside otherwise the blush on both their faces would be extremely noticeable.


        And then Lance grabbed Keith's hand and said—

  Word count: 306

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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