Chapter XV - Freedom

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Aiden POV

I could see Sean, Cassidy, Finn and Daniel run away all together. I am really going to miss them. Finn waved at me before disappearing in the far distance.

A car soon came infront of me. The window slid down. "Get in Mr. Gallagher, I will get you home", my lawyer said. Gabby was in the car too. "Hey", I said looking at her. "Hey, what just happened", she asked. "It was a breach, many ran into freedom", I replied. Then it hit me! Jack! "Stop! Wait don't drive!", I yelled. I got out of the car and ran towards the broken down fence. I went inside, looking for Jack. He must be somewhere. Then I found him, he was laying on the ground, blood covered. "No, No please no!", I started getting tears in my eyes. I shook my head violently. "Please Jack, be alive. Please", I kneeled down on my knees, starting to cry. I turned him around, I gasped, flinching. His face was completely sabotaged. Oh my god what have they done to him! I started crying over his body. My lawyer eventually followed me. "Mr. Gallagher we have to go", he said. "Please, I want that this boy's identity is found and he shall get a funeral! I demand it!", I replied looking at my lawyer. "Yes Sir, as you say", he nodded. He took Jack in his arms and walked with me outside. My lawyer made a phone call. "Someone is going to come pick up the corpse, don't worry", he tells me. My lawyer talked to some man and he took the corpse. "They are going to give him a nice coffin, grave and burial. Do not worry", my lawyer told me. I nodded. We got back in the car, my eyes still wet from crying. "Baby what's wrong?", Gabby asks me. "A friend got killed in juvenile, it's unfair", I started crying again. She hugged me tight.

—-1 Month Later—

I was ready to testify against that blond cheerleader whore! I will take back my human rights! I entered the court and there she was urgh can't look at her. I sat beside my lawyer. We had to stand up for the judge and sit at his command. My lawyer began talking how men can be victims of rape just as women. Then we started saying that the cheerleader whore lied and made up the scene so she looked raped. Then I was called to tell my side of the story. "So I was sitting in the back of the bus. I was minding my own business, when she started touching me all over. She started unzipping my pants right infront of everyone! Even when I declined she continued! When I told her a little bit louder she threatened me that she will make herself a rape victim and tell everyone", I told my true story. Then my lawyer opened a file that wrecked her completely. He told the judge that he interviewed many male students and every male pupil confirmed that she tried force them into sexual inter course even if it was in public. "This case is close, I don't want to hear no more! I have seen enough proof! You little girl think you can get away with money, well you won't anymore! I will send you to juvenile for 10 years!", the judge told her and hammered on the table. "That's not fair! I will make you lose your job!! How dare you!! Fuck you!!", she started getting hysterical. "Men are all the same! Rape us everyday and get away with it!!", she continued. Policemen grabbed her getting her out of the court room. Finally it's over. The boyfriend of that girl came to me. "You will see hell in school smartass!", he spit in my face. "Don't make me call an officer for threatening me, I swear", I replied.

Then I felt a knife in my chest. "I don't fucking care asshole! I will fucking murder your damn ass for getting my girl in juvenile! If she wants sex she is going to get it!", he yelled stabbing me again and again. I could hear policemen run towards him. Then I heard gun shots and I blacked out.

My eyes opened, it was all blurry. Where am I? I can't see what the heck! Soon my vision got better and I saw some machines and a white ceiling. Am I in a hospital? Gosh why does it hurt so bad? What is this feeling? "Hey, slowly Aiden, take it slowly", I heard someone say. "I-It hurts", I replied gasping. "Nurse? We need help here", the voice called. A nurse came running. "He feels heavy pain, do you have something to ease it?", the voice asked her. "Yes be right back", the nurse went to take probably some painkillers.

I got my medication and soon blackened out again.

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