Chapter Two - The Water

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He already knew who I was and what my powers were so I didn't try to hide when I looked into his aura. In a way I was thankful when it started glowing bright blue, signifying a Water Supernatural rather than the dark ring of black that Catchers had. Knowing this information, it would make sense that he knew who I was and what I was to our people, but I still didn't like his attitude about it. I also felt like kicking myself for not realizing sooner. No normal human would have eyes like that.

"I don't think you're in any position to boss me around, Mr. Ross," I said calmly and began turning away. With my instincts at their highest, the second his hand twitched even the slightest millimeter to reach out and grab me, I used a telekinetic force to hold him back, not even bothering to use my hands to assist in the power. "You don't know who you're dealing with."

"Come on! Maybe I can help with whatever you're here for!"

Our mission for Moroso was a secret from everyone besides our group and Jack Soppel, the leader of the Supernatural branch of the US Government. There was no way he would know what we were doing here, but I didn't like that he had the slightest inkling that something was off.

"I highly doubt that, sir," I stalked off, the boy following in my footsteps as I tried to find Claire and Alex again.

"I know you're supposed to be in DC," he tried. "I've been in this area for years. I might be able to help you around."

I abruptly stopped, making Jared run into me. I glared at him while he held his hands up defensively. It was dumb, selfish even, to consider taking him back to the others to decide together, but maybe he knew places we didn't?

Despite being in the middle of the dancefloor, I turned my full attention on him, wanting to know what his true intentions were before making a hasty decision.

"What are your motives?" My icy, compulsion-ridden voice came out, practically brainwashing him into telling me the truth.

"I want to train with the Big Six. I want to help the Supernaturals," the truth came out of him easily. In fact, it was so effortless that it was almost like I was compelling a human to tell me the truth. At least most Supernaturals and Catchers had a tiny bit of resistance. "I think you are attractive and I want to--"

"Okay," I snapped him out of it, not wanting to hear anything else. He blinked once, twice, before looking at me incredulously.

"What the hell was that?!" He exclaimed.

"Get used to it," I lectured, turning around and continuing my search for my friends. I finally found them, Alex dancing on the bar, his shirt unbuttoned while Claire was clapping from below. I half expected some dollar bills to be thrown if the two of them actually had any cash on them.

"Taylor!" She cried as I grabbed Alex's arm and forced him down, using a bit of my powers to assist the process. "We're having fun! Stop being such a party pooper"

"Yeah, well, party's over," I grumbled, pushing the two drunkards in front of me.

Jared stared at us like we were crazy. "He's one of the people in charge of saving all of us?" He asked, nodding towards Alex.

"Yes and he can also kill you in a heartbeat. Now, make yourself useful and help me get these two out the backdoor."

"The back?" He probed. "All the cabs are in the front--"

"We don't take cabs."

He began to ask a question but I pushed Alex into him before he had the chance to get it out.

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