why didn't you let the bullet hit me

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Taehyung's p.o.v

I closed me eyes waiting for the bullet to hit me but it didn't but J-hope definitely pulled the trigger.

"T-taehyung!?" Jungkook sounding like he was in pain.I opened my eyes and just saw him fall to the ground with blood on his stomach, now I realized who was hit.

"JUNGKOOK!" I ran over to him.
"T-taehyung I-"I stopped him from speaking any further.

"S-shh don't speak, d-don't speak *sob*J-HOPE YOU FUCKING SHOT HIM!!*SOB*"

why did you do it why didn't you let the bullet hit me you idiot *sob*?" I asked Jungkook, this is all my fault.

"I-I am s-sor-" he stopped mid sentence because he started coughing up blood. I was crying like a mad man. "Kookie I'm sorry you had to go through this." He shook his head in disagreement."N-no it wasn't your fault."

He started to close his eyes. "No, Jungkook don't close your eyes, don't close your fucking eyes"

"That bullet was supposed to be for you"I looked at J-hope in disgust."It doesn't fucking matter who it was for you asshole *sob*" I looked at
Jungkook and his eyes were closed."JUNGKOOK, JUNGKOOK BABY OPEN YOUR EYES!!*SOB*"

Jin's p.o.v

I was sitting in the car waiting for Taehyung to get Jungkook so we can leave when I heard a loud boom, which definitely was a gunshot."JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung yelled."JUNGKOOK BABY OPEN YOUR EYES" After hearing that I ran toward the house, I ran in and Jungkook and Taehyung were on the ground.Taehyung was covering Jungkook's stomach with his hands.

"Oh my JUNGKOOK!" I ran and sat beside Taehyung and helped him with Jungkook."J-Jungkook wake up
p-leeaase" Taehyung said practically pleading. "Tae he is going to be ok im going to call an ambulance" I quickly took out my phone and dialed 911.

*After calling 911*

I called 911 and they were on their way and maybe 5 minutes later they arrived, Jungkook was barely breathing and Taehyung was crying. I went over to comfort him while they took Jungkook into the ambulance. They also arrested J-hope and Taehyung's dad, they deserve to rotate in hell for the rest of their lives.

Taehyung's p.o.v

They took him into the ambulance "please be ok Kookie please *sob*" I said to myself said to myself while sobbing. Jin was comforting me which was only working for a little amount a time.

*Time skip*
At hospital
Taehyung's p.o.v

It has been maybe 2 hours since we had gotten to the hospital and their still hadn't been any news about Kookie and it was driving me crazy.

another hour passed and the doctor finally had news about him."Who is Kim Taehyung"

"I-I am is Jungkook? Please tell me he is ok."

'Yes he is fine but he will not wake up today we have him medicine that will keep him asleep for the day." I sighed in relief."C-can we see him" He nodded and I went into his room.More tears escaped my eyes when I saw him on that hospital bed."This is my fault Jin *sob*  I should be the one in that bed not him I should be the one who was shit and nearly killed.*sob* He doesn't deserve any of this shit *sob*."

"This isn't your fault TaeTa,e it is J-hope's, he was the one with the gun, he pulled the trigger and let the bullet loose, not you.It shouldn't be either of you on that bed." He said patting my back comforting me.

"This is what happens when people try to protect me, they get hurt or worse killed, that is what happened to my mom and now it is happening to Kookie."

"What, I thought your mom died in a car crash!?"

"N-no I lied to you, she died by my father, he was doing one of his normal beatings and my mom of course was trying to help me and my dad attacked her like always but this time it was really bad. He was drunker than usual and he started to beat her. I tried to help her but it was no use and he killed her because of how hard he beat her."

"Why the fuck wasn't he put in prison then!?"

"He lied and told everyone he was around that she died in a car crash and he told me to do the same or he was going to kill me too."

"Oh my god Tae, you should of told us this sooner."

"I know I was just scared, can we stop talking about this, it is really depressing." He nodded and I went and sat next to Kookie and held his hand to my chest. "Jungkook I'm so sorry this happened to you." I kissed his hand and fell asleep right after.

Oof this is depressing I'm sorry but soon it will get better. Hope your enoying it. Make sure to bite and to comment 💜💜

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