Chapter 38 - Put Your Head on My Shoulder

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On the Sunday of Jess's fifteenth birthday, she trudged through new fallen snow on the way to the cabin.  In spite of the cold wind that found its way under her coat and through her knitted hat and mittens, she felt warm and happy inside as she looked forward to spending most of her birthday with Marty. 

She was even happier her uncle's Christmas party was over, having happened the previous night.  Even though she hadn't been looking forward to it, at least she knew what to expect.  Her plan had been to stick close to Doug so she wouldn't be alone, but she was soon bored to tears by the endless talk about business and politics.  She also had the distinct impression her presence wasn't entirely welcome by the older men.  There were a number of times when someone would stop abruptly just before finishing a joke and then look over at her, letting her know what they were about to say wasn't something they thought she should hear. 

Taking the first opportunity she could to refresh someone's drink, she'd excused herself, and then the rest of the night she'd helped Annie by making sure the food trays were full, everyone had drinks, and ashtrays were emptied.  She was also grateful she'd managed to steer clear of her uncle that evening.  His dark mood of the previous winter had returned and he'd been especially quick to anger over the last month.  She couldn't wait for the holidays to finish so he could back to being his usual prickly self.

Stomping snow off her boots, she entered the frigid cabin and began lighting the fires.  When she heard the front door open, she straightened from the cook stove, her heart filling with happiness seeing Marty shaking snow out of his golden brown hair while he grinned at her.

"Hi Marty!" she said, joining him in the living room.

"Happy birthday, kid," he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he slipped off his cloth coat.

"Thanks," she replied wryly, deciding not to rise to the bait.  "Should we eat lunch in front of the fire?"


While he laid his coat over the back of one of the chairs she spread out a blanket and then sat with her basket.  When Marty joined her, his eyes got big seeing the foods she was setting out for them.

"My uncle's Christmas party was last night," she explained happily. 

Annie had made sure to pack all her favorites from the food that was left, making her birthday lunch with Marty even more special.  When they'd finished eating, Marty reached over to the pocket of his coat.

"Oh, I almost forgot.  I got you something," he said, pulling out a flat parcel.  It was the size of a book and wrapped in the same white paper she'd seen Mr. Dwyer use to wrap purchases at the drug store. 

"You bought me a birthday present?" Jess asked with wonder.

"Maybe," he said with a shrug, but the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Taking it from him, she noted it was too light to be a book.  She took her time unwrapping it, wanting to prolong the moment, but when she finally removed the paper, she smiled up at him.

  She took her time unwrapping it, wanting to prolong the moment, but when she finally removed the paper, she smiled up at him

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