First Day ½

18 1 0

                   *Beep Beep Beep*

       The sound of my alarm rang through my room. I rolled over in my bed and yelled "SHUT UP!!!" as I turned off my alarm. I looked at the time; 6:00 AM. "Ugh! I should be sleeping! They should've let me wait until next week to go to school, but at least Chen and Chanyeol said they would show me around and drive me to school, " I said, trying to convince myself to get up and get ready. At least it's already Friday. That means that I only have to get through today and then the school week is over.
           After taking ten minutes of trying to make myself get up, I finally decided to get dressed. I went to my closet to pick my outfit for the day. I picked out a pair of blue jeans, and a white long-sleeve shirt, and a pair of white sneakers. I went into the bathroom connected to my room and got dressed. I decided to wear my long, curly brown hair down. I left the bathroom, grabbed my phone and book at, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw mom and Mr. Lee sitting at the counter drinking coffee.
        "Good morning, " I said while pouring myself a cup of coffee. "Good morning dear, " my mom said. "Good morning y/n, " my stepdad said. I grabbed an apple and sat down across from my mom and stepdad. "So, y/n, since today is November 2nd, we thought that we should discuss our plans for the 30th, " my mother said. I nodded my head in agreement, "I'm listening, " I responded. "Y/n, you're turning 18 on the 30th. That's only a few weeks away. We want to give you space to start your adult life, but we also know that paying bills is hard, " my mother said. I know exactly what she is talking about she has been talking to Mr. Lee about it for months now. "Now, we know you'll do fine on your own, but we're gonna send you money every month until you have a steady income and can pay the bills on your own AND have money left over, " Mr. Lee said. I thought about what they were telling me for a minute. I decided that I agreed with them and that I wanted to make today a good day that will make everyone happy. "Thanks, mom... Thanks, dad, " Mr. Lee's face lit up with joy. "SHE CALLED ME DAD! Lucy! She called me dad!!" He jumped up and began dancing around. My mother and I erupted in laughter. I finished my apple and washed my cup while laughing. "Stop laughing Lucy! She ACTUALLY called my dad! This is something to celebrate!" He said, joking around. We continued laughing, and I got a message from Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: When you're ready, walk to my house and we'll go... If Chen decides to hurry up anyway, if not, we might just leave him lol

Y/n: Ok lol omw

After I texted him back, I said bye to parents and left the house.
      As I reached the end of my driveway, I noticed Chanyeol standing next to his car. "Good morning, y/n, " he said when he realized that I was standing in front of him. "Good morning, where's Chen?" I responded. "He's coming now, " Chanyeol said. We both got into the car when we saw Chen nearing us. He climbed in and we all buckled up and left. "Good morning, Chen," I said as Chanyeol drove out of his driveway. "Good morning, Y/n," he responded.

      When we reached the school and got out of the car, I noticed a lot of people staring. I heard a lot of comments as well, but I chose to ignore them and to continue walking. When we got to the main office, I walked in and got my schedule. I left the office after receiving my schedule and walked up to the boys. As soon as I got back to Chen and Chanyeol, they asked to see my schedule. "You have the same first, fourth, and sixth period as me and Chen," Chanyeol stated. "And the same third period as me, " Chen added. I nodded and they gave me back my schedule. "Come on Y/n, we're gonna show you to your locker," Chen said. I nodded again and followed them through the unfamiliar hallways. "Aren't Bts gonna be at their lockers? Because you know they're gonna have something to say about us hanging out with her," Chen asked Chanyeol, there was a hint of worry and nervousness in his words. " Maybe, I don't know, we have been at the main office for a while maybe they already went to their lockers and then left for class. And yeah I know they're gonna have something to say, but we're in a public, so they can't do anything," Chanyeol replied. When Chanyeol finished speaking, it felt as though the air surrounding him changed, similar to the way it did last night. The air around him made me want to forget all of my worry and nervousness and just relax. These boys are so confusing. Who is Bts? Why would they have something to say about Chen and Chanyeol hanging out with me? Why is Chen so worried and nervous about them being at their lockers when we get to ours? I have a million questions running around in my mind, but I doubt that all of them will be answered. " What are you guys talking about?" I asked, figuring that it was worth a shot. "Nothing important, don't worry about it, " Chanyeol said. The air surrounding him changed again. This time it made me want to just stop worrying about the million questions racing in my mind,  but I didn't want to I want to know the answers. Against my newfound feeling of wanting to forget about asking questions, I spoke. " Please tell me, you guys are making me so confused," I begged. Chen and Chanyeol's faces scrunched up in confusion as they looked at each other. They appeared to be having a mental conversation that I could not decipher.

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