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  ...............The Rose Wall.........

Ah the rose wall, rumor has it that once someone goes over the very long and very tall wall,no one comes back.
NO ONE, came back. Not like she would actually want to go over the wall. She would rather not get in trouble with the caretakers. Call her goody-two-shoes, she wouldn't honestly mind. She kept walking to the orphanage until she felt an eerie chilling stare from behind her. She turned around and saw nobody standing there,just the rose wall,mocking her. She didn't feel comfortable and started to run to the the orphanage.

The orphanage Amanda went to wasn't particularly big. About 15 kids from 3 to 12 ,not including Amanda. She went up the stairs and checked her pockets, ah she forgot her keys. She had no other choice but to ring the doorbell. The door swung open a few seconds later as Amanda saw a familiar face. A girl with green eyes starring at her own freckled face,red locks framing her round face matching her round glasses. "AMANDA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"the girl yelled out "Oh I went to Alicia's shop," she said as if she was used to this. "Elena who's at the door?" a young male's voice called out. "ITS AMANDA,SHE'S BACK!" after Elena yelled back she instantly regretted her decision...

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