Chapter 7 - Part II

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– II –

I grimaced in discomfort as I followed the path up to the steps leading into the house.

I was cold, wet, and my soaked uniform clung tightly to my skin.

However, because it was nearly black in nature, it didn't turn translucent when wet.

As a result, my underwear was safe from perving eyes.

Also, I was wearing the black panties and bra that Tabitha had chosen for me, so when combined with my dark uniform there was little chance of them being exposed.

I offered a silent prayer of gratitude to whomever had decided that Telos Academy's uniform for boys and girls had to be dark, for there were many other schools within Ar Telica that had light colored uniforms, including white. That said, significant advances in material and fabric technology over the decades had revolutionized school uniforms such that young girls wearing angelic and virginal white dresses, skirts, and blouses no longer feared being caught in a sudden downpour without an umbrella.

Naturally, those advances had been applied to Telos Academy's uniform, so I had even less to fear. But while the uniform was designed to protect my modesty, it wasn't designed to be waterproof.

After all, if it was waterproof, how could it be washed?

Actually, let's not get it into that.

What I will say is that it was distinctly unpleasant to walk in soaked clothing.

My breasts felt uncomfortable in the wet bra, as did my butt clad in sodden panties.

But what really bothered me was the wet squelching of my feet in my water-logged shoes, so much so that I had to stop and kick them off. Luckily, Straus didn't complain when I asked him to give me a few seconds to do so. And luckily, I had the bunny maid to help me remove my shoes and socks. I thanked her courteously, before resuming our rapid walk to the immense two-storey house.

The path branched in two directions, one that continued to circle around the lagoon pool, the other leading toward the white house with red-tiled roofing.

Naturally, Arnval chose to walk toward the latter.

I looked down at Erina as we approached a wide flight of steps leading up to a set of broad, double doors.

"How is she?" I asked the maid.

"Her vitals looked strong," the young woman replied. "However, we'll know more when we place her inside a med-capsule."

I had more questions, but I couldn't bring myself to ask them because they felt redundant, superfluous until Erina could be given proper medical care.

But to me, a lay man – or woman – with only cursory medical knowledge, the fact that Erina had failed to regain consciousness was concerning.

Again, I questioned why I cared or worried over her, and reluctantly acknowledged that some bonds were a little harder to cut than others.

It was going to take me some time to divest myself of any lingering ties to Erina, and truthfully, I wasn't sure if I could completely cut myself free of her.

Arriving at the foot of the wide steps leading up to the broad entrance, I gazed up at the large house looming before us, then carefully climbed the steps, mindful of the need to keep the stretcher with Erina as level as possible between Straus and I.

At the landing before the double doors, I paused to give the exterior of the abode a good look, and despite the nature of our arrival, Erina's injuries, and the fact that I'd been effectively kidnapped, I found myself wondering what I would find within rather than of whom I would meet.

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