Just a piece of Metal - Jack Avery

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" Y/N it's just a piece of metal" my boyfriend of 2 years groaned clearly annoyed.
"Exactly Jack, a piece of metal that would be in my nose" I argued back.
"It's a piercing, not some foreign object that's laced with crack".
"I mean you never know" I argued again.
" I have the same piercing"
"Well good for you" I smiled at him
" Come on Y/N you lost the bet, I managed to do a cliff jump so you get to get a nose piercing" was all he said calmly, clearly becoming annoyed by my chicken behavior. We had made a bet weeks ago that if he does a cliff jump (something he told me he never wanted to do) then I would have to get my nose pierced (something I never wanted to do).
"Y/N what is so scary about it? Your ears are pierced with three earrings in each ear" his argument growing stronger.
" Ya but Jack, this is my nose! It could mess up my sense of smell!"
"Y/N it's not going to mess up your sense of smell I have one and I'm just fine" he said pointing towards his silver hoop that rested in his nose.
"Jack I'm not getting it"
"A deal is a deal sweetheart" he said giving me a smug look knowing that I was getting tired of arguing and starting to see his point of view.
"Fine Jack, but one condition I get to sleep on it and we can resume this in the morning" I said sleep starting to lace my voice.

***2 Weeks Later***

Two weeks had gone by since the argument with Jack about getting my nose pierced and it had seemed as if he had forgotten. The boys were all staying at my Portland Oregon apartment (3 bedroom with a pullout couch) for a week or two and life seemed great. I was showing them the touristy side of the city, which included going to the water front, showing then VooDoo doughnuts, going to a pod of food carts for lunch ,and eventually making our way to some more hidden gems like Rocket Fizz Candy store where the boys all got wacky sodas and old fashioned candy eventually rounding out our eventful day with going to one of my favorites stops whenever I made the train into downtown, Powell's book store. A true sanctuary in the midst of Portland craziness. As we were making the short walk from where we sat and ate dinner to the book store I began to feel very anxious, you see Portland is not a very nice city at night, especially downtown Portland. The boys seemed to sense my anxieties when I put my finger on my pepper spray that hung on my key ring, a nervous habit i had to develop for when I worked late or had lost track of time and would have to walk back to my car alone at night.
"You ok Y/N" Jonah questioned. As he said that all of the boys moved their eyes from the pepper spray to my eyes seeing the fear in them. As if on cue a figure started to walk towards us emerging from this dimly lit portion of the street. I was walking kinda in front of the guys leading them closer to where we had parked by the water hours earlier so I felt greatly exposed. I gave the shadow the benefit of the doubt and continued walking with confidence, not slowing down a little and/or walking in between the guys. Nope I was out in the open and even with they guys two steps behind me, I was vulnerable as hell. As the shadow came closer I tried walking a little quicker, trying to get the  boys to also speed up. But just then the figure stopped in-front of my me, a couple paces ahead. I had also stopped, the guys cautiously stopping as well. One of them tried to ask me a question before they could get it a second word out they were cut off.
"Hey pretty little thing how you doing" the man slurred sh**faced on a Tuesday night, classy. I tried to move out of his way the guys mirroring my actions, when the man grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me closer to him, reeking smell of alcohol that seemed as if he used it as his cologne every morning.
"Let me go" was all I said making my words clear.
"Ummm I gots to thinks about that's" the man said with a little laugh and a hiccup at the end.
"I said let me go" I said trying to pull my arm away. As I did this it clearly upset the man and he tightened his grip on my forearm. As he did this i let out a loud gasp and in one quick motion I was pushed backwards into the group of my best friends and Jack was now sizing up the intoxicated man.
"She said leave her alone man"
"Oh yah and what you gonna do about it" the man laughed finding this whole situation amusing. That comment had been enough that if we were in a cartoon right now steam would be coming out of Jacks ears. But Jack looked at me and saw the pleading look in my eyes, asking him if we could just leave. Jack took my hand in his and with the guys forming kinda like a bubble around me we started off trying to make the 200  feet to my car without anymore trouble. As we walked away all seemed to be fine that was until the man yelled back at us. He started calling me every horrible nasty things, things that get dropped daily but truly hurt. My eyes instinctively sprung tears but I quickly wiped them away with my free hand. Once Jack saw that he had, had enough of this guy. So realizing himself from my hand he ran back, not thinking twice and punched the guy straight in the nose. The guys fell to his ass clearly confused. As soo as Jacks fist left contact with the guys nose he turned around and jogged back to where we were all standing in shock. Jack was not a violent person and this was completely out of character for him. After a minute or two with all of us staring at him he spoke up.
"Why do you all look so shocked! He was being rude and highly disrespectful to a woman, who happens to be my girlfriend. Guys get away with too much sh*t these days" was all he said as we all quickly walked towards my car and the more lit area. Once we got there I assured the boys that we could continue our night, just wanting to stay in more populated areas. We walked down the street, Jack and I hand in hand, the night definitely got better, filled with laughs and jokes shared between all of us. We window shopped along with some regular shopping, when we stopped in front of a tattoo/piercing parlor. All of the sudden the bet came rushing back. I made eye contact with Jack and he smirked.
"Hey Y/N look what it is" he smiled.
"Not happening"
"But Y/N you said you would do it, plus I just kinda saved your ass back there so I feel like you double owe me now" Jack said clearly amused. The boys clearly amused as well, because they had been let in on the bet when it was made, so they could keep you both accountable.
" Yah Y/N"
"Come on"
"It will look cool"
"A bet is a bet" the boys chimes in. Normally you would have argued back or just walked away putting it off but in the heat of the moment and the adrenaline still running through your veins from earlier you for some reason agreed. I mean Jack did kinda save your life back there.
- Time skip to when your getting it pierced-
"Jack I don't wanna do this" I said the hyped state I had been in wearing out.
"Your already in the chair" Zach said.
"I know but, it's gonna hurt" I whined. At this point the piercer was lining up the needle.
"Okay I'm gonna need you to take a big deep breath in and then out, and I'll pierce it", she said giving you a reassuring smile. " You also need to make sure you stay still, try to not to flinch" she added. With her saying that Jack gripped you sweaty,shaking palms.
"1,2,3" the lady counted as you took a big breath and the needle was shoved through your nose and slowly replaced with a small little silver hoop, identical to Jacks.
After the piercing was complete and you had payed you were admiring your new piercing in the mirror, instantly loving it, but you would not admit this to Jack and the boys. After you were done and you and the boys left the store heading back to your car Jack took your hand in his as you two walked a little slower behind the four other boys who honestly were acting like children and playing the floor is lava.
"I love you Jack. I just wanna say how much I love you and that you are my savior and as much as I hate to admit it you can be right sometimes" I said staring up at the man I loved with all my heart.
"I love you too. Also I'm always right" he replied, his cheeky smile one of the only things being seen.
"I guess you were right in this one. It is just a piece of metal".


Hey guys and gals I honestly pretty proud of this chapter and kinda sorry for how random the whole thing is. Also the thing about Portland being scary, I'm just going off personal experience, I've lived around the area for a long time and even though I have never had this exact experience I just hate walking downtown especially alone or at night. Also I wanted to know if you guys wanted the imagines to be shorter or around the same length, after the authors not this is gonna be around 1800 words, so ya let me know:)

Happy Reading lovelies:)

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