Dress Code - Jonah Marais

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"This is so f*cking stupid" I said as I sat down in disbelief. Here I was, missing me second period, all because of my outfit. You see today it was 90° out and I being a normal person wore shorts and a really cute off the shoulder top. Why did I wear this, easy answer so I don't sweat my pretty little ass off and feel disgusting. I did not do this to please the boys by giving them a sweet view of my shoulder or try to make the freshman hard. If my shoulders give guys boners then that is their own problem, not mine. As I was sitting there on the uncomfortable bench outside of the principles office, steam coming out of my ears I was called in to talk to Principle Rams. As he was talking, drilling me for warring such "skimpy" clothes I just drowned him out, he was a horrible man, who was a creep and  honestly gave me and all of the girls in school weird vibes. He always seemed to be starring at our asses, finding a reason to dress code ya, to have us alone in his office, but that's a different story. Anyway as he finished up the conversation he seemed to notice that I had spaced of during the lecture and took this as a sign of disrespect and gave me a even bigger punishment.
"Ok since you can't even pay attention while I'm trying to tell you about school policies, and this is not your first offense I'm gonna have to make the punishment more severe, your getting three days out of school suspension" Principle Rams stayed.
"Wait, I'm getting suspended for breaking the dress code more than once! This is outrages" I said my voice choking up, tears were starting to threat to leave my eyes.
"Yes Miss. Y/L/N. Now I will allow you to continue the rest of this day, but you need to cover up before you leave the office and you may not attend classes until next Monday" he stated, sounding like a robot, a robot trained by the government to make kids hate their lives even more.
I mumbled a inaudible okay grabbing the clothes that were being handed to me from the sincere office lady. As I walked out of the small bathroom wearing school sweatpants and a old tee that I kept at the bottom of my backpack. I made the walk of shame out into the office, all the staff members and students sending me mixed looks of disgust and feeling bad for me, I grabbed my backpack and walked into the hallway with just my luck right into the middle of passing period. I had been in the front office for two hours and for my lunch hour. It was now going into fifth period and I was walking almost mechanical towards my choir class. As I approached the music hallway my very concerned boyfriend Jonah ran up to me his four best friends trailing behind.
"Hey babe, what happened, did they just make you change?" he frantically questioned. Before I could answer the millions of questions that he was asking I broke down in tears. Crocodile tears pouring from my eyes and Jonah has the quickest reaction, he wrapped his arms around me as he slowly rocked us outside of the choir room. His friends trailing into the room letting Mrs.Loys in about the current situation that was going on, she was always really understanding about this kind of stuff, she was actually the one who I would rant to about anything school related, she got it.
After the hallways cleared out and the boys had went into the choir room, Jonah and I were left in the hallway, me sobbing in his arms, him rocking me along with him, as if we were slow dancing to the sound of my sobs . After crying for a good ten minutes the tears just stopped, it was like my body had run out of liquids to spill. So then the silent sobbing came. This was all so stupid, I was so stupid, I felt that Jonah was stupid for dating me. I had caused so much drama over a stupid little dress code violation. After the silent sobs stopped and I got a little hold of my self I left Jonah's arms as I slid down against the band lockers not having enough strength or mental capacity to go into choir. Jonah with no questions asked slid down next to me. Suddenly after sitting in silence for a good ten minutes the silent air that filled the hallway seemed to suck all the air out of my lungs and it made me want to scream. Because with no sounds to distract me along with the nearly empty hallway the thoughts in head about the previous hours events started to seem to strangle me. The thoughts causing my brain to go into overdrive. I needed to tell someone, anyone. So I turned to Jonah and met his eyes with mine. He gave me a small nod and his world famous smile as if to tell me that it was ok to see him and that he would be there for me. I choked the story out, never actually crying but stopping every once in a while when the tears started to wet my face. After I finished I just stared at the large window across from us. Everything went quite again, that was until Jonah spoke up.
"I'm so damn sorry that had to happen. It's so ridiculous that girls dress code is based off of guys 'needs'" was all he said, truly meaning every word he said. This is what i needed to hear at the moment. That sentence he spoke got me through the rest of the day and across my days of suspension.
When I arrived back at school on Monday it was another hot day, today's peak around 87°. I wore ripped jeans and a old school tee shirt, not taking any chances. I walked into my school not really paying attention. I had my earbuds in, staring straight ahead. I walked out my locker, knowing that I did not need anything about it, but this was the place where I also meet Jonah. Once I arrived I opened my locker, I just stared into the metal box, keeping the anger and tears back. All of the sudden I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. As I whipped my head around, expecting it to be Jonah I was mildly disappointed when I saw one of my best friends.
"Hey Y/N" she said giving me a sympathetic smile.
"Hey Y/BFF" I said giving her a pathetic fake smile. I was still so embarrassed, everyone knew why I had gotten suspended at this point and it's a stupid reason to get suspended. Plus people were also talking about my balling session in the hallway.
"Hey I know something that will  cheer up, I wait correction, we all have a surprise for you" she said giving me her award winning smile that could always make me happy. After she said that my faces got all twisted up, I was confused, who was we? What surprise? And also in the back of my head I was thinking about where the hell Jonah was.
"Okay?" I said the response turning into a question.
"Ok follow me" she said grabbing my arm lightly and shutting my locker. She leads me down the hallways back into the commons. There I was met with a wonderful surprise. It was a bunch of people wearing the exact same kind of outfit that I wore the day I got suspended. My friend explained that this was kinda a form of a silent protest. Apparently after I got dress coded and suspended girls were furious, because their had been people wearing the same thing, I was just the one who the principle had seen that morning and took his anger out on. I saw a bunch of my close friends, acquaintances, and frankly  people i didn't even really know. But I only saw women, I mean I really didn't expect a bunch of guys to be there but maybe my boyfriend? As I was talking to a bunch of the girls my eyes were averted to the hallway where it sounded like a heard of elephants were coming through.
"Oooh, it's part two" my best friend squeals.
I whip my head around to see a sight that I could not wrap my head around. It was almost every guy in the school, in ridiculously short cut off shorts, and off the shoulder tops. They all walked in a organized herd towards us in the commons and at the front line of the mob just so happened to be my boyfriend and his four best friends. All the guys had smiles on their faces, some of them were just happy to brake the rules, but some actually were there because they wanted to stand up for the right reason, but regardless it was so nice to see the movement. Once they made it to our group they stopped and everyone started conversing, first period being completely forgotten about. People were coming up to me talking to me about why they were doing this or they they wanted this to blow up on Twitter. I walked through the crowd and found my way to Jonah. He wrapped me into a big bear hug, him greeting me.
"How the hell are we not getting like suspended right now" I asked Jonah flabbergasted at this whole event.
"Me and Y/BFF talked to a couple teachers and got them to sign off on it. Also Zach's friends dad is on the school board, so we had connections" he shrugged.
"Oh my your the best" I said.
"Hey you gotta do what's right" he said actually meaning it. The rest of first period and actually going in through second period, people talking about how this is gonna be a forever memory and that it should be a yearly event.


Hey guys and gals putting out another chapter, idk why this took me so long to type. I have a bunch of drafts saved and I'm working on getting them out for y'all. So ya have a great rest of your day and as always feel free to comment ideas for imagines.

Happy  Reading  Lovelies:)

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