Chapter 1

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You're My Weakness

By: DorkyCat_Rp

Chapter 1: Ambush

Blake Braxton

"Wait, no please don't kill me!"


I put my gun away into my back pocket.

"Hey boss, you got a text message from someone."

"Give me that!" I snatched it out of his hands and checked who it was.


"Austin, get rid of all the evidence," I demanded and started walking to my car. 

"You heard what he said, boys! Now let's get rid of the body and blood!"

I drove to my house parking into my garage, got out my keys, and opened the front door. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Errr! No more milk." I groaned. "I'll just get some tomorrow." I thought annoyed. After all, I'm the one who's paying the bills and everything. Austin, Kane, and Oscar can do nothing right. I let them live with me and they just drink all the milk and eat all the food! Someone needs to teach them a lesson and it's going to be me!

Here I am now, walking to Albertsons to get milk. Trying not to get spotted by anyone. I wouldn't want any other gangs ambushing me. Avoiding the lights from the lamp posts on the sidewalk, I had to walk through the alley. It didn't bother me though. What can I say I'm used to the dark and emptiness on the streets. There were no cars driving right now and no one that I could see walking which was good for me.

I was walking for a while. I decided to start walking on the sidewalk. It would have been easy just driving to Albertsons, but I didn't feel like it. Sometimes I like to just walk. It helps me think straight. Ever since my parents died I've been trying to search for the person held responsible for their death. I wanted to find the person who killed them. But I haven't gotten a clue who it is or could be. I keep hoping that I'll run into the person who did it, but I haven't gotten close. I know my dad was close though. Before my dad died he must've found something out and had gone searching for the person, but they got to him first before they killed him too.

Everything went quite all of a sudden. I was starting to get suspicious. Then I started to hear footsteps behind me. I started to reach for my gun behind me when...BAM! Someone punched me in the back of my head. I Fell to the ground but got back to my feet quickly.

"Well look who we happened to run into...boys!"

"Errr! Who could have thought it! Of course, the person who happens to punch me in the back is you!"

"Thanks for the pleasant greetings, Blake! Now if you don't mind I'll be taking all the money you got on you right now." He sneered at me.

"Fine take it all," I said calmly. I had an idea planned.

"Put your hands up, where I can see them!" I put my hands up and slowly started to back away. Then I ran for it. One of them pulled me trying to get me, but I punched him right in his nose when he did. I ran as fast as I could.

"ERRR! This isn't over Blake! I'll find a way to get you back if it's the last thing I do!" He grabbed his gun, loaded it, and aimed.



 I didn't have any back up to help me fight these punks! If I did I would have had these losers in the hospital with broken teeth and broken bones that would have put them in for months!

"Fucking bastards!" I just had to go onto the sidewalk where everyone could see me, didn't I!" They got me good, I'm not going to lie. I was bleeding really bad. A bullet hit me in my bicep, in the right arm. Blood was trickling down my arm. I ran into the closest alley. I was going to take the bullet out. I exhaled deeply and let out. "ARGGHHH!"I Screamed while taking out the bullet. "Ughh bitches!" My hands were covered in blood. I was about to head back home to bandage up myself and skip Albertsons because who wants to see someone bleeding like shit? I'll have to send someone else to get it now. And knowing my gang they'll end up grabbing everything but the milk. Also, I'll probably just alert people and make them have a terrifying feeling, which I honestly don't mind scaring people at least they back off. Stupid people

Stupid milk...

 I started walking again.

I stumbled because of a crumpled up can in my way as I walked past a dumpster. Almost halfway into the alley a short figure similarily stumbled across the exit of it. It was a girl that I could tell because of her hair flowing in the wind. It was a light brown. I couldn't really see anything clear about her face or clothes just her hair the rest of her was just a black shadowed frame of who she is. I walked forward a bit hoping to catch a glimpse of her face. If she were to move forward just enough she'd be under the dim street light. I wasn't the only one struggling to see the other one's face.

I decided to wait her out. Soon she'd leave and then I can come out of the shadows and make my way home. I felt another jolt of pain in my arm and I groaned slightly. Could this girl leave already? She's been standing there for the last past 2 minutes. Forget about what she sees I'm getting out of here.

I walked to the exit of the alley and ignore her gasp as I walked in the opposite direction of where she's standing. She must've spotted my bloody arm. People really need to mind their own fucking business. I took only a few steps forward until I heard her voice which for some reason forced me to stop walking instead of just ignoring her.

"Hey, bloody boy?! Need some help there??"

I stopped for her that night and since then she's been every reason for me to never stop fighting for her. She became my weakness.

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