Mistaken Maps - Draft One

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Jordan flinched and spurred her horse ahead. The small pony caused the bandits to scatter, but they quickly regrouped, however, and one slapped the back of the horse and sent her galloping into the river.

Both horse and rider were small enough that the unwavering current took hold of the two of them and carried them a short way before the horse dug in its hooves and clambered up the opposite bank. Jordan slid off and watched the bandits make Tessa's horse turn, but they weren't expecting Tessa to force the horse to rear on its back legs, pawing the air and braying like a mule.

The bandits scattered again, but someone shouted to keep them together. The leader, Jordan assumed. They regrouped again and surrounded Tessa once more, but a knife had appeared in her hands and she deftly slid off her horse's back and captured one man, pressing the knife to his throat.

"Leave us alone!" She called. "Get back, or I'll kill him here and now."

That was enough. One man scrambled backwards so fast that he fell into the river and was carried away. The other bandits gave up and scuttled back into the bushes and disappeared. The man that Tessa captured yelped when she pushed him away, then shouted in surprise when she kicked him into the river.

Jordan hadn't dared to cross the river again in the meantime. Her horse was of the same opinion. They watched as the last one picked up a dropped club and vanished into the underbrush.

Wesson glared after the bandits. "Is that all of them?" He asked in a tone that suggested he hand helped to handle the bandits. Tessa nodded sharply and urged her horse forward into the water. The horse's longer legs made the crossing easier for them, but Wesson hesitated. After a moment, he shrugged and spurred his horse forward into the rushing water, holding the map high above his head.

The group dried off in the sun as they rode. Tessa was unusually silent, and Jordan could tell that she was thinking hard. Neither of the girls knew for sure where the map was leading them to, other than a pointless journey through the south, where port cities and exotic trade was found.

Tessa wanted to find out. She edged closer to Wesson until they were side by side and their horses were nearly touching. Wesson glanced up and edged away, folding up the map and tucking it out of sight.

Tessa just waited until he pulled the map out again to edge closer and closer.

Tessa was nearly breathing down Wesson's neck when her legs tapped the side of Wesson's horse. The animal jumped and bolted, Wesson barely clinging to the reins. Tessa snickered before chasing after him, her horse's long legs catching up easily to the spooked horse.

The two horses bolted forward, leaving Jordan to catch up. Tessa had ridden in a circus before, so she knew how to ride, but Jordan was in trouble.

"How do you stay on?" She shouted after Tessa, before desperately reining in her horse. Tessa slowed and turned back for her sister.

Tessa waited for just the right moment to jump onto the horse's back as it passed her. She nearly landed on Jordan, but the horse slowed down enough that Tessa could maneuver around her sister.

Tessa pulled back on the reins, slowing the horse even more. Tessa's horse had stopped after Tessa had jumped off, and once everyone halted, the three horses were strung out in a long line almost a half mile apart.

Jordan slid down off her pony, shaky-legged and breathless. Tessa looked as unruffled as ever as she slid down the other side of the horse. She was glaring at Wesson's horse, who was staring right back rather petulantly. Wesson was blaming everyone for everything–including getting them lost.

"Now what?" Tessa asked when she realized what he was saying. "Are you telling me you don't know where we are?"

Wesson didn't answer. He was pointing at various places on the map and muttering to himself. He finally thrust the map at Tessa and said furiously, "Where are we?"

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