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1) Usual bedtime? - Between 10:30 - 11:00 p.m..
2) Crushing on anybody? - Yesssss!😭💜
3) Are you married? - Of course! And you know who😉😏
4) Would you like a bf/gf? - I can't cheat on my husband can I? He is more than enough for me!💜
5) Do you like cuddles? - I love cuddles!❤ Now give me some!😜
6) Last time you cried? - A few days ago, I guess..
7) Five people that make your day? - BTS❤ - My best friends -You guys❤ - My family
8) Jungkook or Namjoon? - Jungkook
9) Favourite BTS member? - Taehyung💜
10) Cuddles or kisses? - Cuddlesss!
11) Favourite boy band? - BTS forever!😭❤
12) Are you crazy? - Am I? I don't know😂
13) Birthday? - October 31st 🎃
14) Mature or immature? - Mature and a lil bit immature at times😅
15) Sing in the shower? - Rarely!😶
16) Number of siblings? - Zero! 😊
17) Favourite song? - It's hard to choose.. Best of me Illegal Magic Shop Make it Right Home. And moreee!😛
18) Your BFF? - She's not on wattpad😞
19) Can I tuck you into bed? - Only if I get cuddles!❤
20) Five facts about yourself? - I loveee coffee!❤ - I'm a sensitive person. -Love animals especially cats!🐾 -I sleep talk when I'm really tired. -I can speak 6 languages.