Chpter 4: What The.? Werewolves?!

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Chapter 4: What The.? Werewolves?!

It’s been months since what happened. I think it’s weird that there are zombies and robots that are here to help us or just be the good guys, but it’s been fun with them. Maddy has been sick a lot. And I’m really worried. Thanks to the robots I have to give her some of robot parts to help her survive. Sarah is just like my twin sister. Tomorrow is her coronation day. It’s where robots, zombies, or half of each like rombies/ half robot and half zombies or whatever. She will change her name to Hannah.

*Knock* “Yes? Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s me. Maddy.” Maddy said. I went towards the door and opened it. “Yes Maddy what do you want?” I asked her with a weird looking face. “Um. I just wanted to know if you were ok, because you’ve been acting weird since you came back.” I was shocked what she asked, but I don’t know how to answer. So I just said, “I don’t know what you are talking about. Maybe I caught a cold but didn’t realize it yet. I have to go to work Maddy. Just see, what Uncle Jack is doing. I’ll be right back. Ok?” She just nodded and went away skipping. Tomorrow is going to be a bad day. I could just feel it. I thought to myself.

                        When I went back to my desk, I started to cough up blood. I just hate when this happens, because I have to take pills that Sarah gave me. I went to my bathroom to see how I was looking before I left, but I saw something in the mirror, it was a girl on a floor crying but also laughing. Than right next to her looks like her friend I think and she was laughing to. The girl on the floor had kind of a dark hair color but with a little purple highlights, she is wearing shorts and a red shirt, and the other girl has like a dirty blond hair (A/N I think that’s how you say it?) with a cute colorful skirt and a light-neon color shirt on. Then they disappeared from the mirror. What was that? I asked myself. *Knock* “Coming!” I said while opening the door. I saw Maddy. “Um we are waiting for you.” she said to me. I nodded and went with her. It was raining today. I really like the rain but I get annoyed when the rain gets in your business. “Hey Katy. I am really thankful that you’ve been here for me. So I just wanted to ask if I can be your actual daughter, if that’s ok.” Maddy asked. “Ha!” I said. Maddy got scared so she jumped when I said that. “You are already like my daughter Maddy! Remember?” I said to her. “Yea. I guess you’re right.” She said while giggling.   

            “There you are Katy. We have visitors to see you.” Said Adam. I nodded and told him to bring them in. When they came in I was surprise. They were kids! A lot of the kids especially the girls were crying. “What’s wrong?” I asked them. “Something took our leader and friends.” One of them said. “May I ask something?” I asked them. They nodded. “What do you think took them?” They looked at me in terror. One girl came in front she looked so familiar, and said, “I know that it wasn’t robots, or zombies. But I could say one thing. They howl, like dogs, but we know that they aren’t dogs, and they have like silver/ whitish fur.” “May I ask, when did this happen?” I asked them, but this time it wasn’t her to respond it was a boy next to her who has blondish hair and said, “Yesterday, and Titania and I will show you.” I nodded and said, “WE will leave in one hour, follow Maddy to the café to get something to eat. Titania and wait what’s your name?” I asked the blond boy. “My name is Brock.” Brock replied to me. “OK, so I was saying that Titania and Brock meet me here in 50 min.”  I told them. They all nodded. But that Titania girl reminded me of someone……….. She’s that girl from the mirror. But I didn’t see the other girl. Maybe she got captured. I must hurry.

            *Time Skip 50 min*

*Knock* “Come in!” I said. Than Brock and Titania came in. “Are you ready?” I asked them. “Yea.” Both of them said. I guess this will be fun. When we are walking up some mountains in silence than Titania brooked the silence, “Um miss we never gotten your name.” How stupid I am. “My name is Katy, and how did you guys get this far, if it’s ok to ask.” I asked them. “You have to ask our leader if you want to know sorry.” Brock said. “We are here.” Titania said. “Hey stop it you idiot!” we heard someone who sounded like a female yelled in the cave. “No! You’re the idiot!” We heard a different voice, it sounded like a male. We sneaked in and saw a cage full of kids. “Hey, there’s our friend but they don’t have her in the cage.” Brock said. “Titania, Brock, I will distract them while you will free your friends.” They both nodded.  They went towards the cage and waited for me to distract whatever they are. “Hey! What are you guys doing?!” I yelled at them. Then they all started to chase me. So I ran out of the cave. When I was running everywhere I lost them. Good. So when I went back to the cave, I saw everyone out. But Titania was still nervous. “Hey Titania? What’s going on?” I asked her. She pointed up. There was that girl in the mirror, she had blood everywhere. But she looked different. She had a tail that looked like a wolf tail. Why would they give her a wolf tail…..? That means that they were werewolves! What is going on to this world? “Don’t worry I’ll get her down.” I told Titania. “Ok.” She whispered. When I went up on a few rocks to get her I fell on my butt, but I got up to get her. When I got her down, she was so cold. So I told everyone to follow me. And they agreed.

            *At the base*

“Open the gates hurry!” I yelled than the gates opened. “Titania, Brock, bring everyone to the café than come back. Ok?” I told them. Then they nodded and left with everyone. “Hey Katy. What happened?” My best friend Sara asked. “I went on a rescue mission, and then we found out that there are new enemies out there. They are werewolves. So they took some of this girls grope members and her to for who knows what. Than when I found her, I think she has gotten turned into one. But I’m not fully sure.” I told her while we are trying to heal her. When we finished Titania and Brock came back. I told them how it went they were happy. “Oww what happened?” asked the girl on the bed. “Mia!” Yelled a girl who came in. “O hey Crystal!” Mia said to her friend. “Hey Titania, Brock!” Mia said.

                                                Next Chapter: Coronation! New Comers!

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