The Fight for Friends (Final Chapter)

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            The Fight for Friends (Final)

I am so tired. But today I have to fight for a friend even if it makes me get kick out or I will leave the campout. Mia, Crystal, Kale, Brock, and Jack are the only persons know what I am going to do. I am really sorry to do this to Adam, but I have to ‘women’ it up. When I was walking down the hallway to go get Brock, I saw Jimmy’s stuff outside, so I ran for his stuff and opened his door and put his stuff on the floor and said, “Jimmy! Don’t put your stuff outside! And Jimmy go to sleep while I have to take Brock with me.” Jimmy nodded and went to sleep. *Sigh* “Brock are you ready to go?” I asked Brock, he stood up and followed me, and later on I grabbed Mia, Crystal, Kale and Jack to my ‘secret’ hideout.

          “Guys. We have to fight for Jimmy. You don’t have to be in it, but you can help me. Who’s in?” I asked while putting my hand in the middle. And then everyone put their hands in the middle. I smirked.

“Mia, can you use your wolf ears to hear what time does Adam goes to his short break. Crystal you will help me set up a sing outside while Kale and Brock goes and tell Adam about it. Jack, you will use this ear piece and inside of it has a button and you have to press the button and say ‘Adam is coming, repeat Adam is coming.’ And I almost forgot, all of us have ear piece to.” I said while giving them and ear piece except for Mia because it won’t fit in her ‘ear’. We all nodded and left.

When all of us left Mia went off and walk passed Adam’s office like hundreds of times but then Mia heard him say, “Hey, kid. I am paying you lots of food for your tribe. And make sure that Mia will be someone important for your tribe. I overheard them yesterday that Mia has powers. But when I saw them she had two powers, but she could have more but haven’t discover them yet, even Jimmy. At that night when Sarah was getting some water for herself and Kate wasn’t there I analyze Jimmy and the results were that he has reequip magic. So I figure that you can have him and her. But let’s take a break at 1:00 p.m. And change into your human form.”

          “Yes sure. And by the way someone was hearing us through the door.” The man said. So Mia ran all the way towards my room and opened it, and said, “Adam is planning something for Jimmy and I that’s why he want’s Jimmy out, after that he might want me out. And someone is working for him. I don’t know what he is but he can change his forms. And he is leaving for a break at 1:00 p.m.” I had wide eyes. I nodded and let her stay with me for a while until I turned on my ear piece and said, “Guys come into my room, ASAP.” Mia was really angry I could tell. She then said that Jimmy had powers to. I looked shocked I bet. That’s why he want’s Jimmy to go.

          When everyone had arrived, I started to explain everything. Brock was crying because he wished he had powers to but also that Adam want’s to turn him in. Mia, and Crystal had a dark aroha, and they had death glares, if those glares can actually kill you, you will be dead by now. I feel like that after this that Mia and some of her group, even if they want to go will leave this campout but we have to wait till after the fight. This will get crazy, but when it’s 11:20 a.m. we at lunch, but right after lunch Mia pulled me into her room and said, “Kate, I told a lot of my friends and they said that they would like to join the fight, just in case. But if they get to scared or nervous they will sit out.” And after that she left.

          *Time Skipped 12:15 P.M*

It’s almost time. I hope everything will be ready. I called Crystal and saw her sing, it looked so well. I nodded and she left. Brock and Kale came and they practice their ‘lines’ but they are really good. And Mia is going to help me. Mia’s group will come just in case, so she has a call that everyone will come. Crystal’s cousin named Jennifer is really good on hand to hand combats. Kale’s friend name Nate is really good at aiming a gun. And everyone has a good part.

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