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"What an asshole," Funshine hisses. "I can't believe he'd do that to you! In the middle of winter, too!"

You take another sip of your chai. It's warm and sweet and spicy and soothing, like Smartypants's hand on yours and Funshine's leg pressed against your knee.

"I'm going to try to text him tomorrow after he's had some time to calm down," you say. "See if I can go back."

"You mean you want to go back?" Funshine asks, incredulous. "After what he just did to you?"

"I mean..." You put your chai down and rub at your face. "I don't..." You heave a heavy, sad sigh. "I guess we're over, aren't we?"

Even though you're looking at the table, from the edges of your vision you can see Smartypants and Funshine share a look.

"I'm sorry," they both whisper.

"Don't act like you liked him."

"I know we didn't," Funshine says, "but we love you, and he made you happy. That was all we wanted."

Smartypants sighs and lifts your hand to press his warm nose against your knuckles, then he puts it back on the table and lets you go.

"Funshine, can I use your phone? I'm going to call my moms and see if Jen can stay with us."

Funshine digs her phone out of her purse and hands it over. Smartypants dials a number and puts it up to his ear.

"Mom! Mom, hi... yeah, it's me. Yeah, we're fine... no, no news on the apartment yet. It's going to be a while. What? No, that's fine. We don't need to come over yet so... it's fine. Mom, it's fine!" He laughs a little, then clears his throat. "Mom, I need to ask... what? Yeah... yes, we're still staying with you. That's what I need to talk to you about. My... Mom! Will you please just let me finish my sentence!" He laughs a little again and rolls his eyes.

"Our friend Jen just got kicked out of his house and he needs a place to stay," Smartypants finally manages to get out, amidst all of his mom's apparent interruptions. "Can he stay with us for any time at all? He doesn't have much, just a small duffel bag and the clothes on his back -- he can't pay rent, no, he's unemployed... I'll pay it, then! Yes, I will!"

You tune out the rest of the conversation and plop face first into your arms, folded on the table. You're not staying with them. That much is clear. You'll have to go over to Asao's and Daiji's place downtown and hope for the best.

Funshine gently jostles your shoulder and you turn your head without sitting up. Her cheek is smooshed on the table next to you, and she says gently, "Do you need something to eat? How's your lactose intolerance been doing? If there's like... milk in a cookie can you eat that?"

"I think so," you mumble. "As long as it's not like... buttercream or milk chocolate or something."

"Hm." She purses her lips. She looks so ridiculous, with smudged makeup and her eyes rolled up and her mouth like a fish, you can't help but snort a small laugh. Smartypants is still talking in the background, but you don't pay attention to the words, just the familiar ups and downs of his voice.

They've never locked you out of the bedroom. They've never kept secrets about their feelings. They've always let you know right away when you fuck up so you can actually know they're upset and fix it.

Funshine tilts her chin up so she can look at Smartypants. He's still on the phone. You can hear his voice even if you're not listening to his words.

"I'll be right back," Funshine says. She starts to sit up and you jerk up in your seat, grabbing out for her arm. She starts at your sudden movement and slides her wrist out of your now loose hand to take it in hers.

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