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Yay we broke the "Re" title streak

The Autobot leader growled slightly when he was awoken from recharge, it was two in the morning and he had been disturbed by incessant beeping from the main room, he recognized the tone of the alarm, increased Decepticon activity low-level threat. Soon enough all the bots had been rudely awoken, the only one still in recharge was Squawktalk, which wasn't really a surprise since the minicon slept like a brick anyway. Wheeljack was the first to reach the console, he opened the map and read the threat summary of the signals, "I don't think you're gonna like this chief." 

"What is it Wheeljack?" Optimus rubbed his optics groggily, "Three Con signals are headed for the hydro-plant in Glen Canyon; Knockout, Breakdown, and uhh unknown." Wheeljack looked back at his leader, dull expression hiding his anxiousness. Smokescreen was unimpressed, "Are you sure it isn't the jet con we saw a month ago?" Ratchet scoffed, "Last time I checked, aircraft didn't follow roads." Beastbox – the newest minicon – looked up from where he sat on the floor and said his new favorite phrase, "Yeah stupid" 

Smokescreen rolled his optics, irked that he had been called stupid by a purple gorilla, "So what are we gonna do about it, are we going to intercept them?" Optimus nodded "I believe that action would be most prudent, but we must be cautious, for we do not know what this new enemy is capable of. Ratchet open a groundbridge ahead of them, in the gully behind those outcrops. Bulkhead and Wheeljack with me, transform and roll out." The portal generator roared to life as Ratchet pulled the lever, and the bots drove through the green and white vortex out onto the dusty terrain.

Wheeljack exited first, nearly crashing into the rock since his systems were still a bit slow, luckily the others hadn't seen that. He heard two zwoosh sounds from the portal behind him, followed by the crackle of tires on the hard-pan desert floor, the light dimmed as the groundbridge closed, leaving them in darkness. The lack of moonlight played to the Autobots advantage, they moved into the road, forming a roadblock that the cons wouldn't be able to see until it was too late.

There were three sets of headlights off in the distance moving side to side with a complete disregard for lane rules, but as they swerved leisurely back and forth, the Autobots got a better look at the newcomer. It was a sleek car that they didn't recognize, with a wide grinning grille, two doors without mirrors, slightly dinky front wheels, and painted in glossy black with yellow striping on the sides and roof. But what set it apart from the others – and what surprised the bots so much – was that it only had three wheels, with the drivetrain components encased in steel shells on either side of the massive drive tire, above it the body slimmed down to the width of the wheel, with a single red light bar at the end. 

The illuminated patch of road was getting closer and closer, the trio of bots braced themselves for the battle that was sure to come once they were spotted. It was quite a sight to behold, even in vehicular form the cons were visibly startled when a wall of Autobots came into view, Knockout just stopped and transformed to biped mode, unsure of what to do. 

The other two however only faltered for a second before accelerating to ramming speed, Breakdown went after Wheeljack, the sleepy wrecker just barely avoided being crushed by the armored van. The other one went towards Bulkhead in a strategy that clearly wasn't thought through very well, they attempted to slip past using the green trucks ground clearance, but instead, they just ended up pinning themselves under Bulkhead's tires. 

All this had transpired in just a few seconds, enough time for Knockout to regain his bearings and join the fray, he pulled out an electro-staff and ran at the red and blue truck, a poor move since the prime transformed and grabbed it, disarming him with a swift jerk. Knockout scowled at the larger mech and transformed both his servos into serrated augers, he lunged forward arms swinging. Optimus was surprised at how aggressive the usually vain mech was being, but he had no time to question it as he deflected the oncoming blows.

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