Determination - Sans, Chara (anglicky-djsmell)

249 9 21

A = Sans
B= Chara

Count me in unannounced,
drag our friends on the tile,
I just follow your trail,
you can't just follow my smile.
All of your sins are aligned,
with this mood of mine,
cutting me to the bone,
nothing left to leave behind.

You outta reset right now,
just like it never happened,
I didn't come for a fight,
but I will fight 'til the end.
And this one might be your battle,
might not turn out okay,
I know you think you can kill me,
but you've already lost the

And I LOVE the way you ,,hurt" me...
It's determination-ooooh-oh yeah.
Ooooh-ooooh-oh yeah.
I love the way,I love the way,
I love the way you keep on trying,
I love the way, I love the way,
I love the way you keep on dying.

I'm gonna break you to pieces,
just like you and your brother,
Gonna kill you again,
just like you killed your own mother.
You're a fool with no past,
say goodbye to your future,
Pay the fee, do it kid,
I'm talking no inflation.

Too many stab wounds,
and not enough items,
too much time in the hall,
I feel my sins to crawl.
Too many freaks,
no enough blood in the game,
you know I'd give your love,
a fo-fo-four letter name.

And I LOVE the way you ,,hurt" me...
It's determination-ooooh-oh yeah.
Ooooh-ooooh-oh yeah.
I love the way,I love the way,
I love the way you keep on trying,
I love the way, I love the way,
I love the way you keep on dying.

You kill me again.
Again and again.
But I come back knowing so much more,
learning all your tricks,
I'll make you sick.
'Cuz the truth is Sans,
I'll make you quick =)

Try to stay Frisk.
Please, just stay Frisk.
You're still good good,
admit to this.
Don't fight anymore,
it's such a snore,
one more step,
and I'll make it war.

And I still LOVE the way I ,,hurt" you...
It's determination-ooooh-oh yeah.
Ooooh-ooooh-oh yeah.
I love the way,I love the way,
I love the way you keep on trying,
I love the way, I love the way,
I love the way you keep on dying.

Tak. Tahle songa se mi dost líbí.... A omlouvám se za to, že mi to tak trvá.... Času mám dost, jen si celé dny válím šunky. Jsem hold líná 'svině'...

To byla slovní hříčka...

Vtipný ne..?

Ugh... ;-;

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