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Diannes pov

Did I just hear that right ......

Basically the doctor came in and told us that a baby named sage and a women named Tracy had both been rushed to hospital from a house attack .

D: yes Tracy is awake but we are still working on your baby she said you were the dad and the son
J: y-yyes I am
D: dianne since you are all good now would you like to join them
Di: yes that would be great

Joes POV
I was cradling my hooked up princess and my baby di whilst asking mum what the hell happened
M: so me and sage were playing as we heard my door being unlocked , there was a group of girls there in black , I knew exactly who it was ... Marcy ...
M: Joesph mind your language , anyway she and her group thretened to take sage away from me and I refused but it kinda backfired , she took out a knife to scare me but instead just knocked me out as I had sage in my arms but They just left .
M: she is going to court about it .
D: thanks for keeping sage safe
M: my job hun

Joes POV

I just sat and cradled my baby as Di talked to my mum thinking of what I did to deserve her

Me Di and sage got a cab home and we were having a few weeks of out of school but both would be doing home school,which I preferred because I get to see my little family at all times

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Me Di and sage got a cab home and we were having a few weeks of out of school but both would be doing home school,which I preferred because I get to see my little family at all times .
After we gotten in we decided to get an early night and that we would all sleep in the same bed

 After we gotten in we decided to get an early night and that we would all sleep in the same bed

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We just slept peacefully hoping something great will happen


Sooooooo sorry my writing is shit 😭😭😭😭

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