The tesseract

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C=Steve rogers
I=tony stark
X=professor x
Tony stark and Steve rogers are walking down a hall with professor x

I-so how did you know why we came

X-I am tellikinetic i can read your mind and talk to you without even opening my mouth

Tony looks at professor x and he's just looking straight ahead not talking


X-okay we've arrived

A big metal door with an x on it opens

On the inside there's a podium with the tesseract on it

X-go get it and keep it safe because magneto has always wanted it

C-don't worry we will

Steve grabs the tesseract and Tony and him run out

I-so now where

C-to the rendezvous point

I-okay lets go

All of a sudden tony get picked up off the ground

Its magneto


M-ah so now there are two of you stark now hand over the tesseract

Steve rogers tries to attack magneto but he yanks his shield out of his arm and hits him with it

Magneto takes the tesseract and dissapears

I-oh shit

C-well now what are we supposed to do

I-lets get to the rendezvous point and figure out a plan

They get back to the rendezvous point with Bruce

B-so I got the time stone wheres the tesseract

I-about that

C-we had it but magneto got it

B-oh great we only had enough pim particles for one trip here and back

I-wait I've got an idea where we can get the pim particles and the tesseract

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