The funeral

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C=Steve rogers
Pp=pepper Potts
B=Bruce banner
Bb=Bucky Barnes
Nf=nick fury
Everyone is gathered at tonys funeral

C-tony was the best man I've ever known he wouldve done anything to save this planet he proved that today by sacrificing himself for the universe


Nick fury is standing on tonys porch

After a funeral Steve is getting ready to go back in time to put the stones back

B-alright just get all the stones back and ill have you back in five seconds

F-good luck Steve

Bb-see you on the other side buddy

C-I know buck

Bucky winks at Steve and Steve smiles

B-alright going in five four three two one

Steve goes back in time

B-okay now reentry in five four three two one

Steve doesn't come back

F-where is he

B-I don't know he shouldve come back


B-im trying

Falcon hears someone clearing their throat behind him

Falcon hears someone clearing their throat behind him

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F-where have you been and where's your suit

C-welp when I travelled back I thought id try some of that life Tony was telling me about

F-how come you dont look older

C-because of the super soldier serum i dont age

F-what did you do

C-married Peggy and had a few kids actually oh and got a job with nick fury I've got a team me Hawkeye and black widow so ill be doing that now

Bb-sorry I couldn't tell you guys i knew about this

F-its fine

We now see a back flash of a house in the 50s and inside Steve and Peggy are dancing

Thank you guys so much for the support on these stories i hope you guys liked it and ill be writing more marvel stories in the future also go read my captain america story which takes place after this also if you haven't read my other avengers stories first go read those so this makes more since


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