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A train. That for some reason was the part that still disturbed me as we got out of the train station. I don't know if she had left her computer open or not but when I came into her room last night for my usual 10 o'clock check in there it was.

Open was a tab for a ticket to Tacoma Seattle. A train ticket. I hadn't seen Daniel in days but he had sent me 4 words in an email. 

Dear Hunter,

Take care or her, please.


So here I was. It felt like I was back at step one with her which was frustrating enough without having Liam or whatever his name one talking and interacting with her like they were best friends. That sounded stupid when I thought of it because they probably were. 

It didn't stop me from glaring into the back side of his head as if I could glare him out of oblivion. I watched as went off to go to the bathroom again. I didn't blame him but I had been trained to go hours and hours without relieve. 

I feel a hand grip my arm in a tighter grip I thought one of her size could manage. Her eyes are two pits of burning fire. She gives me a fake sweet smile before leaning closer.

"You keep glaring at him like that and I'll kick you in the nuts. Got it?" I swallowed and glanced at her not so threatening red converse which looked to have survived the hunger games. 

"Why did you tell him and not me about all this." I frowned. She didn't admit to leaving the laptop open and I'm left to wonder if it was truly not on purpose. She loosens her grip and starts her stride away from me. I stop her. 

I sling an arm around her stomach and yank her back to my chest with ease. I grip her just tight enough to let her know that she might be able to outsmart me and out wit me. But I had trained to be her bodyguard and had spent many days doing workout after workout. 

"I am still on assignment. You are still mine to protect. We are in an unknown place so don't even think about running away. Got it?" I mimic her tone. I start to set her down but as soon as her feet touch the ground she shoots back up again catching me by surprise. 

Her head connects with my chin and I groan. She lets out a laugh and goes sprinting in the direction of the bathroom, running through tourists and people walking along. Cigarettes and broken glass litter the streets. 

I growl and set out after reaching her relatively fast. I slide in front of her and kneel down. I hear a snort that is half amused and half confused. 

"You know I'm not gonna knight you right?" I shake my head.

"Get on." There is a slight pause but I wait patiently.

"Why?" I sigh and just nudge farther back towards her. There is hesitance as she slide her strong tones arms around my neck and jumps up on to my back as I stand up. I circle my arms around her legs to assure she stays on and set off towards the bathroom. 

She hums a soft tune on my back. I hate how she relaxes into me as if she has no care in the world while I walk here like a stiff soldier trying to observe my surrounding like a tourist and not someone who has a gun on there hip. 

"Have you ever been here." I can feel her nod against my back. 

"Daniel shipped me off here when I was 12 to a boarding school to get a higher education." I nod my head. I frown at her joking tone. 

"So you must have been here for a while." A shake and her scent hits me. Cinnamon and citrus in a tantalizing combination. 

"I was only here for a few months." I frown.

"DO I even want to know." I feel her forehead knock against my neck and the imprint of a smile on my shoulder. 

"I vandalized the main wall of the school." I raise a brow then realize she can't see me.

"What did you write." 

"Draw" she corrects me "And it was ..." I feel a slight giggle "to say the least a very crude image of Barney and a barbie doll." 

"Like Barney the purple dragon." She confirms it and I can't stop the laugh that barks out of me because it was just such a her thing to do. My laughter stopped when my thoughts caught up to me. 

I didn't know her. Nope. Despite how much I wanted to I didn't. How the hell was I supposed to know it was a her thing to do. And despite how I had acted with her for the past weeks. I had never been like this with any of my assignments. 

Usually I kept a drawn line between me and them. And maybe I knew it from the beginning when that rock flew through the window and hit my line. Leaving a little inch of space. A space which you could only get through if you wanted. I wanted her. But did she want me?

Maybe she liked the idea of me you know isn't it some fantasy to like fall in love with your bodyguard. But she didn't seem like the type. I look up to quip some smart thought out response and I realize she's gone. Like as in not on my back anymore. How. HOW. 

She's fucking gone like the freaking wind. My head move like an owl as I try to spot her in the crowd. I feel a shoulder come up against mine and I turn quickly and frown in disappointment when I see Liam standing there. 

"Where is our infamous Mrs. Pierce." He asks and I don't miss how he says 'our'. I of course wonder how to answer him without seeming like I'm not doing my job which I wasn't doing. 

"You lost her." He says it bluntly and glare at him for stating the obvious. 

"It sounds worse when you say it out loud." He scrunches up his face and raises a brow at me so I give him my best intimidating look and he actually snorts. 

"Did that work on Mavis..." 


My whole body goes still as I hear people scream. There is just a second , not even a second when I seize up like I'm back in my child hood house, 15 years old and hadn't gotten used to my height. Like a baby giraffe. 

But then that second is over and I am on high alert as I try to pinpoint where the shots came from to my surprise before I can start to run in the direction to go and find Mavi Liam starts a dead sprint in that direction. 

I run after him and as I catch up I see the slight desperated look on his face and his eyes shine with fear so unlike his usual blank looks and sarcastic comments. He cares. 

People are getting to the ground and some are running the direction opposite of us. I then I see it. A mass of black hair.

Moving towards the direction of the guns. 

Please god protect her. 

I'm thinking I'm gonna go more into Hunter's past. Anywho I completely forgot if his name is Luke or Liam so that's that sorry if it gets confusing. This is honestly one big train wreck but so is quarantine so yay. My school is done this Friday so I'm feeling pretty content. Hope you like it (:


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