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"I'm not going back to dinner." I don't bother with the sulking figure that sat on one of the swings and instead lowered myself onto the other.

"Who said anyone wanted you there." His head shot up all tear filled and snot stained. His name was Carter I think. It didn't matter to me. If he was anything at all like his Aunt then I wanted nothing to do with him.

"You're Mary's daughter." I send a sharp glare at him.

"My mom is dead. My dad is only barley married to her." 

"Barley married?" He seemed to want to annoy me. 

"Yes just like you're dad is barley dead." His whole face goes completely still before he bursts out crying. I stop my steady movement on the swing to stare at him. I lean forward to put a hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry dude it was a joke." His head tilts up and I freeze because there is a shit eating grin on his face.

"Are you fucking laughing." I turn back to face forward. "Why are all you Kasavicks crazy." He stops laughing turns to face forward, mirroring me. I watch as he kicks his feet against the ground. 

"Auntie is the most crazy." He mutters. 

"You said it." I lean back as far as can and begin to swing. 

"Sorry for um making a joke about you're dad." 

"S' okay. I mean you're ma's dead right." I nod. 

"Well at least you have a dad." I almost forgot that his mom was also dead. It makes me think of my dad. I wish he didn't get married. I mean I loved Jax but Mary was terrible. She acted all nice and motherly but when ever I was around her I got chills.

But it was the one thing my dad didn't budge on. That and pushing me to do school. I knew that he was the only reason I hadn't been expelled from nearly all my schools. I loved him for it but sometimes I wish he'd let me take the fall. 

"My names Carter." I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. Now that his face had cleared up he actually looked about my age. God know he's a Kasavick. I stuck my hand out anyway.



The house we pull up to is shockingly blue. The hell. I get out of the black car and stare at the towering estate. Last time I was here it was painted a drab grey.

"Did the smurfs come and visit." I mutter under my breath but Ray hears it and snorts. 

"Wife made me do it." I don't bother acknowledging what he just said. He was the head of a mafia so of course he had woman of plenty who wanted in. I'm just surprised he fell for it. 

"I love her." This makes me pause. His mouth quirks up a little. 

"It's none of my business." 

"And yet I care what you think." His first wife and the mother of Mary was killed by gang that's in the area. Or I should say was. Ray killed everyone including anyone who was even affiliated with gang. 

"And does she love you." 

"I don't know. But she tells me she does and maybe for an old guy like me that's enough." Some how I understand exactly what he's saying. 

"God I swear you turn into some sappy poet whenever any Pierce is around." I raise and eye brow at Carter. He leans towards my ear to whisper that he will fill me in later. 

"I should never have let you two meet each other." 

"Oh dearest Uncle I have no clue what you mean." 

"Step uncle." I hear him mutter as we enter the house. As we step past the threshold I take a full stop. The fuck am I. The interior is all white and yellow. Painting of anything from flowers to people dancing cover the walls. 

But besides that I realize it's actually warm inside the big house.

"Glad you finally decided to invest in a god dam thermostat."

"Take a walk." We walk through the entrance back down a hallway to what I think is the kitchen. I hear voices talking, or should I say arguing. 

"I'm surprised you don't have them chained up somewhere." Ray smirks. When we enter the kitchen I stifle a laugh. Hunter and Luke are in chair, back to back tied together. 

"Some thing's never change." 

"Amen to that."


Really short chapter, sorry. Anyways, enjoy.


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