Ironclad Hugs And Butterfly Kisses

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I hope you guys enjoy the fluff! This is my first time doing a 5+1 fic so please let me know what you think. Thank you all for the lovely support and I love you all lots! <3

This is for @baloobird because I love you and dedicated to @wordscorrupt because I also love you and for the inspiration :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or any related materials.



Time #1: After A Battle

"Mr. Stark?" Peter's voice is high pitched with fright and Tony nearly falls from the sky at the sound, his repulsors attempting to stabilize him as the man faltered. "I-I need some help over here-- AH!"

Tony let's out a curse, immediately turning around and blasting towards where his son is fighting, dodging gigantic evil robot claws along the way. The city zooms by below him in a stream of meshed grays and silvers.

Finally, he makes it to where the spiderling is, knocking away an alien as Peter aims more webs.

"Don't worry, buddy, I gotcha." Tony says into the coms, shooting a pulse light blue beam at the closest robot. It goes down with a high pitched whir. "Where are you hurt?"

"My-My side." The boy gasps out, raising up one shaking, suit clad hand to wave up at the man. "But it's o-okay, Mr. Stark, I can still fight."

Tony shakes his head under his helmet, pausing in the air to give the spiderling a firm stare. "No can do, kiddie. Don't forget, I can read your vitals in my suit. Go to the nearest rooftop and wait for the signal for when it's safe."

Peter, thankfully, actually listens to the genius for once, the sounds of his harsh breathing and tiny, gasping whimpers tearing at his father's heart as the boy jumps onto a nearby roof.

Luckily, Tony can't detect any blood and goes back to blasting all the robots as fast as possible.

Finally, Tony manages to get all the alien robo basstards taken down, flying over the remaining piles of still smoldering ash to where Peter still sits. The boy perks up a bit as Tony lands near him, but when the billionaire leans in closer, he can see that Peter's doe eyes are bright with pain and fear.

"Hey, bambi." Tony basically coos, stepping out of his suit the second it touches down and gently reaching out for his trembling kid. "You really got the wind knocked out of you, huh?"

Peter just nods, cuddling closer to the man and sniffling, reaching up and wrapping his arms around his mentor's neck. Tony pulls him even closer, gently running one hand through Peter's soft curls and using the other to feel along his ribs for breaks.

Finding none, Tony leans down and gently presses his lips against Peter soft cheek, the boy's skin warm. Peter leans even further against him, sagging so that his other cheek is pressed up against the billionaire's chest, the arc reactor cold against his heated skin.

"Come on, oh sweet Spider-Baby of mine, let's go home and watch a movie." Tony says as he gently begins to lead them back to wear his suit rests, his grip on his son never faltering even as the boy stumbles along.

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