(i) stranger

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"Are cats secretly magical?"

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"Are cats secretly magical?"

I knitted my eyebrows together as my mouth became agape a little. I looked at Hoseok weirdly as he just shrugged and ate his bagel, "What?"

Smacking my lips together, I sighed, "By magical you mean magical in bed and by cats you mean Yoongi, right?"

I saw Yoongi from the corner of my eye choke on his fried chicken.

Hoseok gasped and dropped his bagel, "Forget the question," He scooted closer to Yoongi and eyed me menacingly as he covered his ears, "Don't you dare taint my innocent boyfriend!"

"Believe me, if anyone's innocent, it's certainly not Yoongi." I deadpanned.

"Honey, you're just jealous that Hobi dated me and not you." Yoongi mocked with a smirk, causing me to fake pout. "Tragic." I whispered with a teasing lilt.

"Jeez, it's the first day of senior year and you two are already a train wreck." Hoseok shook his head and I smiled warmly, "Oh sunshine, you love us."

Hoseok stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed. I then decided to fix my hair up with a headband, as I got the polyester material out of my pocket, I caught a glimpse of Yoongi anxiously staring at his phone from underneath the table. His eyebrows were creased and his knee was impatiently bouncing up and down, I was about to ask him what was wrong but decided to brush it off.

I was almost done with fixing my hair when Yoongi stood up, alerting me and Hoseok.

Yoongi had a quite serious face contrasted to his bubbly one a few moments ago, "What's up?" Hoseok asked.

"Aera..." He started and I quirked an eyebrow, "Could you and I talk for a bit?"

I shrugged, "Yeah sure," Yoongi then eyed me cautiously, "Alone."

I looked to Hoseok who laughed, "Don't trouble yourselves. Go ahead, oh and get me a milk box on your way back, alright?"

I nodded and smiled, staring at Yoongi who leaned down and kissed Hoseok's cheek with a smile before his expression turned into his serious one again as he turned to me.

"Follow me." He instructed before he started walking ahead and out of the noisy cafeteria. I was suspicious for the most part considering the last time Yoongi was this serious was a few months ago when Hoseok got a small fracture from a track-meet accident and needed to be admitted to the hospital. He was usually just happy-go-lucky or a nagging housewife, even since we were kids.

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