I'll Still be Here - Markiplier x Reader

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[warning: evil darki, angst]

Mark P.O.V

I went to a karaoke night, wanting to do something fun and maybe make a friend. Everyone else was busy, so it was just me. Alone. At an event full of friends.

'Huh. That's really depressing.' I thought to myself before looking up at a girl in a baby blue sun dress. She asked "hey, can I sit here? Sorry to intrude, all the other tables have full seats.." I looked over her expression, before my attention was drawn back to the stage.

I chuckled gently, "of course. Go ahead." She grinned and sat down, sitting her draw-string bag on the back of her chair as she bounced her leg anxiously.

"Why are you nervous?" I blurted the question.
She looked at me with surprise "that obvious, huh? Well, I signed up to sing..and uh..."

I nodded, understanding "oh. Well, it's all in good fun. No need to be worried. By the way, my name is Mark." I smiled at her.

She grinned, calling a bit "oh! Silly me." She playfully hit herself in the forehead with her palm. "I forgot to give you my name. I'm Y/N." She giggled a bit.

"That's a lovely name." I gently smiled.
Suddenly the singing stopped and the speaker called number fourty-eight.

"Oh! That's me! Wish me luck, Mark!" She nervously smiled before going up and handing someone the karaoke number. She got on stage and I watched, waiting to hear this rather attractive girl sing.


I stumbled onto the stage, grabbing the mic and freezing up a bit. That was, until I noticed the kind gentleman --Mark- giving me a 'you got this' smile.

I felt my heart jump slightly, my face flushing pink. But they flushed out, yellow lights hid the olor resonating on my cheeks.

I cleared my throat and picked my song, and started singing.

I take my notebook and tear the pages out,
to write down my thoughts in a message.
Well I encrypt, every line.
As the people pass on the street below.
I smooth out and fold all the edges,
then hold them up against the sky.
And I, let em' go
Hope you'll find each word I wrote.
On these paper planes, scattered in the air.
Oh, I send them off cause I know your out there.
And I picture you discovering,
Each note all the others step over.
Cause your the kind who finds the clues.
And you'll know every one, was meant for you,
cause you've got the secret decoder.
Oh, they'll lead you too me soon.
So I let em' go
Hope you'll find each word I wrote.
On these paper planes scattered in the air.
Oh I send em' off cause I know you out there.
Oh I know you'll see
The heart beneath
each line you read.
So I, Let em' go.
Hope you'll find each word I wrote.
On these paper planes scattered in the air.
Oh I send them off cause I know your out there.

I hummed and bit as I finished singing, only to be met with loud cheering from the crowd. My face flushed bright red from embarrassment from the foreign amount of attention.

I hurried off of the stage, but not before noticing that my new friend was clapping and hollering with a wide grin.

I came back and sat at the table. Mark smiled "that was amazing!" My face flushed deeper, making him chuckled.
"Really. It was." He assure me.

"Well, thank you." I felt that familiar heart skip whenever I saw that smile. I had watched a few of his videos. But not enough to be considered a super fan. But, that smile always made me happy.

We talked for awhile after that, for about an hour and a half. By then, almost everyone was gone. "Hey, Mark?"

"Ya?" He responded as I sat down.

"I gotta go, but..." I took his arm, grabbing a pen from my bag. I wrote my number on his arm "call me. You're cool." I smiled, before getting up a leaving with my bag.

We talked more after that. We'd started hanging out and I even showed up in a few of his videos. And too his dismay, I had found out about darkiplier being...quite real. But for the most part he left me alone, I soon found out that was only because Mark was around.
But mark slipped up, sadly.

I listened to the phone ring after mark had a fight with Dark, so I got up and went out so I could answer. "I'll be right back, Marki." I chuckled.
I went out and answered, only to be met with a dead line, beeping. I tilted my head "what..?" I sighed, turning to open the door and go back inside. Though, I couldn't even make my hwnd connect with the handle, bdcsuse I was pulled away. I felt arms grab me, of course I tried to scream but we had vanished into a void before appearing in an alley with...Dark.
"What the hell, dark?!" He had never tried to hurt me. But I was always cautious just cause of what mark had said, mixed with Darks angry outbursts.

He smiled at me "You know, Mark had told me to stay away from you. That you were...his..."
My face flushed at the comment, but before I could speak, he continued.
"But I don't think that's fair. After all, me and him are the same person, sorta. But, if the only way to get along is to take the toy..."

I felt my phone go off, so I answered eithout thinking. Dark snatched the phone, putting it on speaker. He set it on the ground. "This is what happens, Ficheback"
I tried to back up, but Dark grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and q oressure in my throat. I coughed blood, looking down at the knife in my gut.

Dark let go of me and let me fall to the ground. The ringing that had been in my ears fronthe pure panic cut out. All I could hear was the clicking of Dark walking away and Marks panicking voice screaming threats amd concern.

I grabbed the phone and out it on my chest. "Mark...I...I love you.." I admitted, tears running down my face from how afraid I was. I had to tell him while I still could.

"What...? I...I..I love you too, but you gotta tell me where you are! I can still save you! Please!" He practically begged.

"It's...it's...too dark." My vision was darker than usual as I began to choke on my own blood. I managed to get out a few words, in that singing voice that I shared the night we met.

"I...I take my notebook and tear the pages out,
to wr..--write down my thoughts in a message.
Well I encrypt, every line.
As the people pas..pass on the street below.
I smooth o..out and fold all the edges,
then hold them up against the sky.
And I, let..let em' go
Hope you'll find each word I...I wrote."

I struggled to speak as I got out my finwl words anyone would hear from me.

"Oh...I send them off. Cause i know you're out there."
And all I could hear from Mark's side was sorrowful sobs.

"Please don't leave me." Mark choked out before my eyes fluttered close, embracing death to push away the horrible pain.
The only thought in my mind
'I'll still be here.'

Word count: 1283
Written at 2:00am EST

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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