The Question and the Hypothesis

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(Wassup, Wattpad! Here's my newest Jasico story, filled with geeky mortal!demigods BC I can't get enough. Thanks for reading, please vote!)

They were all hanging out in Jason's basement when Leo asked the question that started it all.

"Have you ever noticed how different Nico acts around us versus Hazel?" Leo mentioned one day, bent over his chemistry kit. "It's like he's a different person."

Piper snorted from where she had her nose stuck in her geometry book.

"Everyone acts different around you, Leo. You're an anomaly."

"Go back to your algebraic proofs, you freak." He grumbled. "Who actually enjoys math?"

"Math is at the foundation of everything, Leo. Even your precious chemistry."

"You win this round, McClean."

"He's right, though." Chimed in Annabeth from the staircase, clicking on her laptop with a pencil in between her teeth.

"Nico's pretty cold around me. Hardly ever speaks."

"You just don't know Nico, then." Hazel countered from a barstool.

"When he's comfortable around you, he never shuts up."

Reyna, their proclaimed psychology queen, made a noise of agreement.

"We talk all the time in AP English. He's kinda hilarious."

"Nico?" Percy squawked, from his current position draped over Jason's ugly green couch. "He barely looks at me if I try to talk to him."

"He never laughs at my puns!" Leo complained. "Not even the one about the chickens playing baseball!"

"That's because it isn't funny." Piper moaned.

"What do you call it when a chicken hits it out of bounds?"

"Leo seriously no one cares-"

"A FOWL BALL!" He howled, wiping his eyes. "God, I'm hilarious."

"Nico's a little in between to me. We play Mythomagic sometimes, and he's pretty funny then. But anything else just shuts him down." Frank offered, trying to figure out a Rubix cube and ignoring his awaiting biology homework.

They continued arguing about Nico's different sides.

"He doesn't even like Disney movies!" Percy complained, and Hazel snorted.

"Are you kidding me? He loves Disney and Pixar movies! We watch one every Sunday night!" She argued, throwing her arms wide.

"No way!" Percy yelled back. "Leo and I were discussing The Little Mermaid and tried to bring him into the conversation. He said he didn't like Disney movies, and ignored us for some stupid book!"

"That's strange." Mused Annabeth. "Why would he not want to discuss something he really likes?"

"Maybe he just doesn't like Percy and Leo. They are pretty rambunctious." Piper said, not looking up as she calculated sums in her head.

"But he's known me for so long! He knows exactly what I'm like!"

"Jason? Any opinions?" Reyna asked, and conversation stopped. He shrugged and looked down at his notebook.

"Insufficient data. We've never really talked."

"That's PERFECT!" Annabeth yelled, and they all jumped. She hopped onto the floor from her step and tucked the pencil behind her ear, eyes glinting dangerously.

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