Chapter 3; Suspicions

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Midnight watched as her brothers play-fighted with her father, who seemed to be a stranger to her at the moment.

"Midnight?" Called a sweet voice, a tail waved in front of the she-kits face.

"Yes?" The black cat replied, snapping back into reality.

"Can you help me with this?" Asked Storm, who was spreading out new bedding inside the den.

"Sure. What do ya want me to do?" Squeaked Midnight, who was eager to help her mother out.

"Can you go collect some more moss for the bedding?" Asked the gray stripes she cat, tilting her head.

Nodding her head enthusiastically, the little she cat trotted out of the den and stopped where the clearing and bunches of trees met.

Taking a deep breath, she walked into the forest slowly, keeping her ears up to detect any sounds, and her nose alert to detect any scents.

Squinting her eyes, she meowed an "Aha!" as her blue gaze fell upon some fresh, green moss.

Quickly collecting it, she turned around and stopped in her tracks, dropping the moss at her tiny black paws.

Growling at her was a fox, a slightly larger one, who looked to be a little older than the kit.

Snarling, she batted at the fox as it got closer, it's tail waving back and forth.

The fox swiped at the black kit, drawing some blood from the side of her face.

In response, Midnight batted back at the orange, black, and white furred creature.

"Get away!" She howled as she bit the fox in the paw, making it cry as blood gushed into the she kits mouth.

Shaking her off, the fox limped away, whimpering as it disappeared from view.

Proud of herself, Midnight picked the moss back up and hoped the cut wasn't too deep as a little of blood trickled down her cheek.

Running back to her family, she crashed into her father, who acted like a stone wall.

"I heard growling and I came to see if you were okay." He said in a deep voice that made the kit uncomfortable.

Noticing her cut, he raised a paw to touch under the wound, inspecting it carefully. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Turning her head, Midnight continued running to the den, a tear falling from her eye, meeting blood and mixing with it.

Finally seeing her mother waiting for her, she let out a relieved sigh and slowed to a walk.

Storm quickly ran over to Midnight, comforting her as the older cat licked her daughter on the cheek, cleaning her wound.

Taking the moss, the gray she walked inside their den to put it down.

Dust and Stripe ran over to Midnight, tripping over each other in a hurry.

"What happened?" Asked Stripe as he sat down, acting mature.

"Yeah what happened!?!" Said Dust as he tried to slow down but crashed into his brother clumsily, muttering a "sorry."

"A fox attacked me. I clawed its guts out and it begged for mercy." The she kit meowed, her chin high as she smiled.

"Wooooooow! Really?" Asked the small light gray kit, excitement in his pale blue eyes.

"Yeah right." Groaned the eldest kit, Stripe. He snickered as he flicked an ear.

"Come on little kits, time for bed." Said Storm as she wrapped a tail around the three of them and pushed them to the den.

"But we didn't eat!" Cried Dust.

"We'll eat tomorrow." Muttered Stripe, his gaze set on the ground.

As the kits settled into their fresh bedding, they almost instantly fell asleep, with Storm laying over them, keeping a close eye over her little joys.

Shadow trudged into the den, a frown on his face.

"Shhhh!" Hissed Storm quietly as the large tom layed beside his mate.

"I think Midnight has an attitude. One that has to be rid of quickly." Whispered the tom, glaring at a sleeping black pelt, who's flank rose and fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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