Roealeen's Dream

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"Are you sure?" Ray gripped his knife and fork tighter as the words left his mouth. He had barely touched his food and he never used utensils. Roealeen sat across from him, gulping down the last bit of cheeseburger.

"Mmhm," she licked the grease off her fingers and pushed the clean plate away. Her face was calm and care free but her guts and heart felt just the opposite. She observed his face. His thick brows furrowed, creating a crease in his milky skin. His soft rosy lips pinched to a straight line. His hazel eyes glazed with thoughts she couldn't decipher.

"You took the- the test? I-it came out- it came- it ca-"

"Positive, Ray," she sipped her coke. Calm. Just be calm.


"By 'its,' do you mean the baby?" He did not just use 'its.'

"Uh- yeah, the baby. Is it- uh- the baby, mi-"

"Yeah, its yours," she crossed her arms. He knew he was my first. Little wuss. She sighed,

"Look, if you don't plan on supporting us, don't bother. Kay?" She gathered her bag and drink. Don't cry, Don't cry. But just as she stood from the table, Ray held her hand. Her petite fingers barely filling his coarse palms.

"Wait. I gotta think. Give me a day or something. Let me just... Take it in." He looked like he was holding his breath. As if you are the one taking it in. Look at me. I literally took it in. His forehead creased and his jaw tensed. Roealeen loosened from his grip.

"I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Roy," Roealeen paused.

"What did your parents say?" She turned to meet his sorry face. A ball began to form at the back of her throat. Calm.

"Look. I just wanted you to know. The baby is your kid. I'll see you tomorrow," just like that, she rushed out of Angie's, unaware of the storm that was brewing above.

Roealeen found herself in the canoe, bruised and bleeding from falling through branches. Her body stung with salt underneath the scorching sun. She sat up with all her might, wincing in pain. There was a huge lump on the back of her head. The inside of her head and nose burned with sea salt. The inside of her chest struggled with every breath. She let out a groan of pain. Her hair tangled her arms together. But none of that came to her mind. All she could think of was that she was the only person in the boat. She broke through her tangled hair and looked frantically around. No sign of an eleven year old girl anywhere.

"AHI!" NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHIIIII MMMOOOUUUUR!" The swelling that was forming in her chest pinched. Roealeen felt pressure at the back of her throat. No matter how much she wanted to see, her tears blurred her vision. Her wheezes began to turn into sobs.

"AHI!" There was no reply that could relief her trembling body. No. Please, God. Please, no.

She called and called for her baby, but all she could see was the calm sea, the clear blue sky, and the blaring sun. And all she could hear was the subtle giggle of of the lapping water. She called and called until her body gave up. Her body was once again at the bottom of the canoe, floating through miles and miles of ocean.

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