Last Sacrifice Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Rechelle Mead

Chapter- 14

Dimitri's Point Of View-

I sit next to Adrian for a while in silence. I heard ran start to patter the roof and looked over to the stained glass window and looked out of it as the rain fell on it. My eyes stayed it on it until a shadow started to creep on to the glass. I looked away and back at the statue.

"So Belikov, what's your plan?" He asked looking over to me.

"Where do you think some one running away from someone would hide?" I asked him as he turned his head to face the statue.

"Siberia." He said blantly and I looked over at him as a smile crept up his mouth.

"Okay I guess I deserved that. I meant like a brother to a royal princess."

"Oh um.. I don't know. Why?" I saw a frown appear.

"It's just something I need to know."

"Well I would hide somewhere inhabited, populated, decently in America, um maybe like a non thought of state. Like South Dakota or Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin. Those states no vampire would care to visit. Or well royal vampire, to much country most go for the city."

He stood up and walked over to the stain glass window with the shadow. Before as the dark cloud hit the stained glass it was huge now it was a ball on the bench. Small, alone, and looking to be weeping. I watched as Adrian rain his fingers over the glass. He muttered something then turned back to me.

"You should really talk to Rose." He said looking back to the window.

"Why? I can't now. "I say looking out the window at the weeping figure.

"She can be a big help. She wants to get out too." He just stared out the window looking at what looked like a girl with a worried look.

"Well I know but Rose is strong headed she won't think about the plan she'll just do. Plus if I'm planning behind her back for all I know she could be planning behind my back." I go to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I turned around to see him facing me.

"To see Rose. I need to talk to her any way. Not just about this but a few other things too."

"Let me guess she thought you were cheating on her?" He said laughing at the thought.

"How'd you know?" I ask tilting my head to the side a little.

"It's Rose how can you not. Plus she was mine once. Well goodbye Belikov." He said simply looking back out the window.

"You can call me Dimitri." I said feeling like I needed to break some sort of ice. Like I owed him something.

"I rather not. Then I feel like your friend." He smiled to himself still looking out the window. He turned back to me and then back at the window. I saw him open his mouth to say something then shut it and look like he was pondering something.

Finally he turned back to me with a frown.

"You know that girl out there she doesn't seem like she's doing well. I want you to check up on her when you go out okay?" He looked at me and smiled, he turned back to the window and I don't think I ever seen him stare at someone with such warm and loving eyes. It was like the stranger was some he admired or yearned for.

"Sure no problem. Okay well thanks for talking to me. Bye."

I started walking away and I could swear I heard him mutter.

"Go be her hero."

I almost turned back to look at him but didn't and kept walking. I got outside in the pouring rain and I looked at my phone. It was late and really cold the poor girl curled up on the bench must be dying. But I kept Rose any longer and who knows what could happen. I thought I would have got called already from her but I didn't.

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