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Josh threw his pen down in frustration. No matter how many times he tried he could not get the point of algebra. Letters and numbers should not be put together. They need to stay in their respective subjects. Its how people like josh get confused. When he came home from training, the house was empty. His mother out at a fundraising committee meeting. His father, god knows where. He ventured into the kitchen and grabbed an apple left out on the counter top. He bit into the dark red skin, juice seeping out if the open skin. Josh lent against the sink. He could help but think about what coach had said. He was over the moon at the news. He finally felt good enough. He pushed himself of the bench and proceeded to bust out in some dance moves. After a few hip thrusts and a series of shocking hand movements later, he collapsed against the pantry cupboard, slightly out of breath. He laughed at himself and walked up to his room, apple still lodged in his teeth.

His mother came home later, her wrists covered in shopping bags full with food. Josh bounded down the stairs to greet his mother happily.

"Hey mum." he kissed her cheek and took some bags of her load.

"How's my favourite little soccer player?" she asked, pinching his right cheek.

"He's good mum. Real good." he followed her into the kitchen and dumped the bags onto the counter top. She smiled warmly at him.

"How was your day?" he asked, he started unpacking and placing the items on the bench.

"Good sweetie. I had a meet and greet with the Mayor and his bench. I caught up with the Millers at the super market and oh, oh I had a meeting at the country club about the town bingo night. I also got a call from Mr Lucas commenting you on your fine social skills at the Marcus' party two weeks ago, he wants you to meet his daughter." she tapped her chin in concentration. He smiled. Mr Lucas' daughter was very pretty. He smiled fondly at the memories.

"Did you pick your brother up?" she asked while packing away the groceries. Joshfrowned; he didn't know he had to. He never saw him at training.

"No? Was I meant to?" he stopped unpacking at stared at his mother questionably.

"I told you this morning he was going to be at your training and you had to drive him home." she turned her head to the side and frowned.

"well i didn't see him so maybe he got his own way home." josh shrugged.

"Yeah, you're probably right, he's probably in his room." she shrugged it off and continued unpacking to.

"Yeah, he probably is..."Josh's voice trailed off, he felt a pang of guilt run through his chest. But he didn't know why.

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The smell of roast chicken and garlic found its way into Josh's room. The new arrival of the delicious smelling aroma was enough for the blond haired boy to forget about his failed homework. She smell was enough to send his empty stomach into frenzy. He was sitting on his bed, his homework surrounding him, a mixture of pens, pencils and rubbers lying on top of the paper. Just when Josh thought he couldn't contain his hunger anymore,

"Dinners ready!" His mother's voice hollered from downstairs. He bounced of his bed, the quick movement sending the paper around the room. He bounded down the steps and rushed into the dining room. The table was set with the food presented in the middle. His father was sitting at the head of the table; his arms presented either side of his empty plate, his elbows settled on the edge of the table. His back straight and his face expressionless. His greying hair slicked back and frown lines permentatly etched into his skin. His cold grey eyes that Josh had inherited made contact with his own; the contact was enough to send chills down his spine. His mother's normally cheery presence was nonexistent. Her eyes were casted downwards, her thumbs moving nervously in her lap, her left hand coming up and pulling a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her normally happy eyes now void of any emotion of the sort. The cold era that was being emitted from his father's stare was enough to quieten his hunger.

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