Bettys pov-
I wake up to my phone alarm going off I roll over and rub my eyes trying to get myself awake. I pick up my phone and press snooze it'll go off again in about 20 minutes. I get out of bed and grab my clothes and hop in the shower I hear my mom yelling downstairs at my dad probably over something stupid again.
20 mins later-
I'm walking out my door when I see Archie I've know him since kindergarten I've always had this weird crush on him but he don't like me like that. I wave to Archie and me and him walked to school like we have been doing since 5th grade. I get to school and I see Cherly and her group of friends talking. There's a lot behind Cherly she had a twin brother his name was Jason the day Jason went missing him and Cherly went down to Sweet Water River and that's were the cops found Cherly but no sign of Jason. They never found his body.
-Time skip-
It's around the end of the day I asked Archie if he wanted to walk back home with me he said sure. Me and him didn't go straight home we went down to Sweet Water River and walked over the bridge and went to the woods.
-Time Skip-
It's about 11:30 at night I can't fall asleep ( reminder Betty can see into Archies room from her) I go to my window and look over at Archies because that's all I can see Archie is very built and cute he has short red hair with fair skin he has no freckles. I shut my window and get into bed and I slowly fell asleep.
-Next morning-
It's a new day I get out of bed and get ready for school. I hear my parents fighting again so I didn't eat breakfast again this morning I grab my shit and quickly run out the door I catch up to Archie explaining what took me so long. I get to school and there is a couple new people I'm supposed to show around the school today. I walk up to them and tell them my name they said their names were Jughead and Veroncia I showed them around when we bumped into Archie he looked at Veroncia and said sorry for bumping into her I slapped Archies shoulder and told him what about me you bumped into me to he looked at me and sorry B I rolled my eyes and laughed. I introduced Veroncia and Jughead to Archie Archie seemed more interested into Veroncia than anyone I could see he was blushing.
-Time Skip-
Me and Archie were at Pop Tates when Veroncia walked in I was just about to tell Archie how I felt when Veroncia asked if the onion rings were good Archie answered right away and said yes I tried getting his attention but he was completely mesmerized by Veroncia. Finally Veroncia left and I could tell Archie really liked her I finally said "your such a sick" he asked me how I said " I tried getting your attention 8 times but you were to mesmerized by Veroncia" he said "Sorry". I got up and went to Archies truck and got in Archie got in and we didn't talk the whole way (skipping truck ride). I got out and ran inside completely ignoring the fact that my parent fighting again I ran up stairs and slammed my door.

Bughead fanfic
Teen Fictionit was the beginning of Junior year when Betty met Jughead throughout the year there was a lot of drama and romance with some of the others but by the end of Junior year something big happens and it will change everything forever....