chapter 2

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Archies pov-
  Its the first day of Junior year I haven't seen Betty all summer except when I looked over at her room I've heard that she likes me. I crawl out of bed and look at the weights sitting in the corner I walk over to them and start working out before school (time skip) I get out of the shower and run downstairs and grab my stuff and go out the door. I heard yelling from Betty's house so I thought I should wait and walk with her. She come out and I say "hey are your parents fighting again" she said "yea" we walked to sxhool. I get to school and I instantly walk over to Reggie and the boys we do our handshakes and the bell rings. Its math and a really hot girl walks in and apologises to the teacher for being late she comes and sits by me. (Time Skip) its the end of the day me and Betty are going down to Sweet Water River and to the woods. (Sorry for the time skips) I get home and instantly fall onto my bed I had football tryouts today and I'm exhausted I slowly drift asleep.
  -Next day-
    I wake up to my alarm going off I fly out of bed and quickly get dressed I hear screaming from Betty's house. I quickly go outside and start walking when I hear Betty yell "wait up Archie" she explained what took her so long. I get to school and I see the girl I seen yesterday but I walked away. (Time Skip) I was looking at my feet when I bumped into someone I look up and it's the girl I say " I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" Betty looks at me and slaps my shoulder and says "what about me you bumped into me to" I said "sorry B" and she rolled her eyes and laughed then she introduced the two new students " Archie this is Veroncia and Jughead" they both said hi and Betty continued showing them around.
  -Later that night-
  Me and Betty are at Pop Tates talking and drinking Milk Shakes Betty was about to say something when Veroncia walked in I turned around and looked at her and thought she was the most perfect girl ever. Veroncia came to me and Betty and asked if the onion rings were any good and I instantly said yea Veroncia ordered some onion rings and left. I looked back at Betty and she seemed mad she said "your such a sick" I asked what did I do she said "I tried getting your attention  8 times but you were too mesmerized by Veroncia" I said sorry she got up and walked out to my truck. Me and Betty rode in truck not talking to each other at all I got to Berths house and she got out and ran inside. I got out and went into my house running up the stairs and shutting my door regretting the actions I made I slowly closed my eyes and sleep took me over.

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